Sunday, January 17, 2010

Hatian Illegals

GOD, WHAT STUPIDITY!The Foreign Criminals from Haiti should be loaded up with the supplies and sent straight back to Haiti where they can work to help their families and their country. The Haitians in detention were and are criminals illegally in the US long before the earthquake, well once again so much for the concepts of the rule of law with no one above the law and criminals supposedly not being allowed to profit from their crimes! And lets be perfectly clear about some of the facts; the Republic of Haiti was not destroyed the earthquake, the capital city of Port-Au-Prince was, and on par with New Orleans/Katrina, and getting a far better response from the US government! The Republic of Haiti has long been a man made disaster caused by Haitian politicians,US and European interference.
The completely ignorant granting of TLS to the criminals, allows them to work and send MONEY OUT OF THE US at a time when the US economy does not need to have a larger flow of money off shore and does not need to have what few jobs available taken by alien illegals. There is nothing that says or enforces that these criminal Haitians are going to pay taxes, send their wages back to Haiti or not commit further crimes that endanger American citizens and put a further burden on the US by being in the US criminal justice system with American tax dollars going to pay for their incarceration, health care while incarcerated, and their public defenders!
What pure unmitigated politically motivated bull shit! Yes I feel for the victims but I feel more for 45,000 Americans that are murdered each year by our disaster of a health care system,the American veterans that are left to live on the streets along with the growing numbers of working poor families, the American children that live with hunger and disease daily. America needs to spend the money we do not actually have, thanks to Bush and six years of a Repugnican controlled Congress, on Americans that live in the invisible American third world hell right here in the Shadows of the Golden Towers of Corporate America and Created by their greed. But that will, we all know not happen, because spending the money in America for Americans would be labeled as evil socialist Communism by the Repugnicans and the Blue Bitch Dems and not allowed.
Personally I consider this to be an insult to myself and my great grandparents on both sides of the family who jumped through all of the hoops to enter the US legally and become US citizens and all the Americans whose families came here legally. Pure unadulterated politically motivated bi-partisan Bull Shit!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Vegan herbivoures

Let us be honest,"only because our minds and bodies have been programmed for many generations to adapt to eating animal foods'" is fallacious BS; to be honest and truthful it should read,"all of our generations from the very beginning of man have eaten animal based foods because we are, were and will continue to be biologically, genetically omnivorous animals by nature.". The attempted programming over several generations to adapt to an unnatural diet comes from Vegan Herbivore proselytizing. The Vegan dietary choice is a calorie net negative diet, Calorie net negative in that a Herbivorous diet requires calories to be used for the human omnivore metabolism to convert what is being ingested into what it needs to survive so that the net calories provided by the diet are less than what is ingested, it is simple economics you must take in more calories than the debt plus interest in order to grow so a vegan diet requires a higher calorie intake just to break even, plus more for growth and development, and to be pointed must produce more waste for treatment, that produces more GHG in decomposition just as herbivores, cows, horses,produce waste than decomposes giving off more CO2 and methane than omnivores, bears and humans. For omnivorous humans to survive on a vegan/herbivore diet requires total dependence on an artificial support system; HVAC control of homes,workplaces, and transport, definitely not carbon neutral; production, transport and storage of the fruits and vegetables etc to places they are either out of season or out of climate, really not carbon neutral; the production shipping etc of dietary supplements, vitamins, minerals, amino acids etc, again not even close to carbon neutral. Bringing me to one of the big keystones of the human herbivore diet, Soy and soy products, unless highly processed soy is not only of absolutely no nutritional value it is nutritionally negative and potentially toxic. Even with intensive processing soy products are detrimental to human growth and health. 90% of all soy seeds in use are genetically modified and soy/soy products have one of the highest percentages of pesticide contamination of any food you can eat. Phyto-estrogens are directly linked to estrogen positive cancers in men and women along with early onset of puberty and menopause in women. Soy protein is only human digestible after long term fermentation for tempeh and miso. more GHG; or intensive processing with high heat or chemicals, not at all green. Even the phylic acid left in all soy products blocks mineral absorption, particularly calcium, iron, magnesium and zinc, not particularly healthy for infants and growing children especially when combined with the soy enzyme inhibitors that block trypsin etc necessary for protein digestion. There is also hemaggluinin that not only promotes abnormal blood clotting, but along with the trypsin inhibitors is a growth suppressants, only removed by prolonged fermentation and none of the other processes. SPI (soy protein isolate) processing leaves infant formula with 1000% more aluminum than animal milk based formulas. The high temperature spray process for protein powders produces carcinogenic Nitrates, and the aid/alkaline processes create lysinoslinin a toxin. In short tofu et al are not safe or healthy panacea replacement/substitutes for animal products or by products. The three big profiteers of soy/soy products are Monsanto, control of the genetically modified seed, and Cargill Foods and SoyLife that control a major portion of the production processing and sales of the genetically modified crop into food stuffs known to contain a variety of anti-nutritional, growth inhibiting, toxic or carcinogenic substances in various combinations depending on the production method or methods used, and the Phyto-estrogens directly linked to estrogen positive cancers and early onset of puberty and menopause. And when you add in the pesticides from farming, the processing, the packaging, shipping, or storage out of season or out of climate fruits, vegetables etc around the world, to those who can afford and/or access them, the vegan diet is no where near green or even carbon neutral. So I say that despite the high and lofty words, distorted historical and biological facts and green tinted picture picture of a healthier more eco-friendly lifestyle, in a roasted, apple in the mouth pigs eye, the Vegan/herbivore diet/lifestyle is not healthier, is no more natural or environmentally friendly in its dependence on technology for production, processing, distribution, refrigeration, or packaging than what it purports to be so superior to as to being more human natural or human healthy. Even Dr. Temple Grandin has herself said, "I think using animals for food is an ethical thing to do, but we've got to do it right. We've got to give those animals a decent life and we've got to give them a painless death."

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Fat, Lazy and Complacent

What has America become? We have become like unto the worst in those we oppose! Most of America no longer has the ethical testicles to stand up let alone fight for what we know to be right and true. Americans have become fat, lazy and complacent, allowing those with sociopath political, social, economic, and religious agendas, the Corporate-Republican-Christian Taliban Alliance, to lead them by the nose down the garden path into an indentured servitude that serves their purposes and vested interests no our own. We continue to allow ourselves to be ruled by the fabricated lies and fears of those who seek only their own personal/group accumulation of power, wealth and social control at the expense of our dignity, rights, liberties, and ethical and physical well being. We have become more and more complacent sheep willing to be herded by the imaginary howling of wolves rather than pull our heads from our asses and think for ourselves and do what we know to be best for ourselves and fellow man. We are allowing the wings of our better angels to be clipped! We continue to allow our government to be composed of paid corporate employees, who work for the betterment of and to ensure the increased profits of those corporations and special interests that pay the bills for their election campaigns, rather than true elected public servants, who work for the betterment, protection and common good of the people who actually vote them into office. We have become too lazy to put any of our own effort in to becoming the active, well informed voting citizens that are necessary for our democracy to work, thrive or even survive! Instead we wallow on our couches preferring to have a biased corporate owned, agenda oriented media spoon feed us the '30 second video clips', sound bites, misleading facts, or out right lies that best suit their profits and agendas without checking the facts or how valid the source of those 'facts', without checking the backgrounds; of the speakers,politician, 'news man', pundit, editor, or commentator, for politically expedient hypocrisy, their own ulterior motives or the motives of those who are paying them. And our elected officials never think in the long term, and try to not have us think in the long term or have long term memories, since for most if not all of them election to a higher office or re-election to the office they have is all that really matters, they want us to only think about what benefits them right before we vote and not to think about or remember for what they have voted for or against or the consequences their votes had on us. Allowing G W Bush to suspend the 'writ of habeus corpus' without meeting the Constitutional requirements simply to cover his and his administrations asses for crimes and future civil litigation, without ever considering that all of our civil rights and liberties are completely dependent on the 'writ of habeus corpus' to get the government and government officials into court before a judge and jury for redress of grievances; if you can not hold the government or anyone else accountable in a court of law the entire Bill of Rights and other Articles of the Constitution of the United States of America are null and void and you have no rights as a citizen. Consider this (I have changed the text but not the intent or historical context of the next to the last stanza to fit my personal agenda);

When they came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.

When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was no a social democrat.

When they came for the trade unionists
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.

When they came for the Gays,
I remained silent;
I was not Gay.

When they came for me,
There was no one left to speak out.

So far the Corporate-Republican-Christian Taliban alliance has called those who oppose them communists and criminals, ACORN with out proof or indictments or convictions, labeled Obama and Democrats as socialists to delegitimize and marginalize them, they are union busting with a vengeance to increase profits and remove mainly traditional Democratic supporters, and they positively salivate with glee while spreading lies,fear, and hate to deny or revoke Gay civil rights. If Americans do not grow spines demanding the same of those we elect and to stand up and say, "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!" to the Corporate-Republican-Christian Taliban alliance lie, fear and hate machine enabled by our own laziness as citizens, willful ignorance of the issues and facts and 'it is not my problem/does not concern me' attitude of complacency toward the needs and rights our fellow citizens, one day, not so far off, mainstream America will awake to an America that will make the writers and signers of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States of America and our overly taken for ganted Bill of Rights spin and puke in their graves!

Summer of our Artificial Discontnet

America is not a seething cauldron of anger, hatred and violence, the media has promoted for its own ratings and monetary profit, in the case of Lardo Limbaugh and Glenn 'guano crazy' Beck their own personal profit and agendas, and at Cluster Faux News and other News Corp sewer drains Murdoch's personal profit and political agenda. A very well written script of made for TV and YouTube of video clips and sound bites, and organized and paid for by PR-Lobbyist ad/smear campaign giving the illusion that there is a massive grass roots movement of angry, ignorant, hate filled racists who are so in love with the cost escalation and coverage denials of their Health Insurance that they will violently revolt if offered the chance to choose something better or keep what they supposedly love so much, which is as artificial as the groups promoting, busing and funding they like Patients First, Freedom Works, 60 Plus, and Americans for Prosperity are as grass roots organizations. All of them and others are created by PR and Lobbyist firms hired by Health Insurance and other Health Care related blood sucking corporate profiteers; created, funded and mostly by disgraced or convicted Republican operatives, like Dick Army, for the sole purpose of stopping Real Health Care Reform using the Republican campaign favorites lies and fear mongering (well what else do they have to work with when they have nothing credible or of substance to bring to the table only obstructionism). Supported by both Republican talking points parrots and elected Republicans, Palin and Senator Grassely promoting the death panel lie, Senator McCain, the 2008 recipient of the most health care industry campaign dollars, and Senator Hatch holding pre-screened invitation only 'town halls' for bussed in health care corporation employees passed off as proof that Americans are only angry with and opposed to Obama and the Democrats health care reform, Glenn Beck and Pat 'America was designed and built only by white men' Buchanan running the racist camp, and they all Love to quote the Lewin Group findings and statistics -the Lewin Group is a wholly owned subsidiary of United Health Group, that has the worst customer approval rating in America and the highest denial rate in California at 36.9% of all doctor ordered/prescribed procedures. Insurance company death panels can either kill, cripple or disfigure the patient by denial of a treatment/procedure or induce bankruptcy by denial of coverage/payment, huge out of pocket costs, dropping coverage when the policy holder becomes sick or they can find some unrelated pre-existing condition. United Health Care with its denial of one in EVERY 2.52 claims helps boost the denial rate in California to one in EVERY 5, and since they do not and are not required to track the effects/outcomes of their denials as to patient death, crippling, disfigurement, or bankruptcies those numbers will remain their dirty big secrets. We do know that health care costs are now responsible for more than 51% of all personal bankruptcies in America and has killed 45,000 Americans in the last year. Americans hate health insurance companies with good reason and 68% OF ALL AMERICANS ARE FOR THE NECESSARY PUBLIC OPTION CORNERSTONE OF REAL EFFECTIVE HEALTH CARE REFORM. And yet the Senate Finance Committee, of our so called representative democratically elected government, has written the 'Insurance Industry Profit Protection and Enhancement Act' that has no public option. Can you sat, 'Bought and paid for Senators'?
America needs to show real anger and outrage at the fact that our government is composed not of Democrats and Republicans but of elected paid corporate employees who work only to ensure corporate profits (Republicans and 'closet' Republicans! aka 'Blue Dogs') and elected public servants who work for the common good and betterment of the American people

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Joe Wilson Charade

I am no longer surprised by the mainstream media's support of the Corporate-Republican agenda. Joe Wilson (republican Rep. SC & National Guard Colonel) lied and continues to lie about health care reform legislation in his shouted calling of the President, his Commander in Chief as a military officer, a liar before a Joint Session of Congress. But the true outrage is the media's selective control of the message! Like a well trained and controlled 'dog and pony show' the media has made 'Wilson' the headline story not President Obama's speech on health care reform or its content. The same 'bread and circuses' message control was used all August to promote and legitimize the Corporate-PR firm paid for and orchestrated, intentionally rude lying town hall obstructionists from the right-wing fringe minority as legitimate grass roots ground swell by conveniently, consistently and consciously failing to report on their true origins and numbers or pointing out their misrepresentations and outright lies. Sadly it also shows that the economy and IT advances are not solely responsible for the endangered species status of news papers, but that true investigative journalism is no longer as profitable, entertaining, interesting or important to Americans as 30 second video clips and sound bite that are without reported factual context or any reported fact checks. And so so the true informed consent of the governed, the vital necessity for real democracy dies.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


A comment I made about the Idaho potato boycott proposed by Priscilla Feral.
There is no way, woman of the very appropriate last name, that I will endorse your savage nuclear bomb approach to objecting to the possible court ordered allowing of regulated wolf hunting by punishing a state wide industry, which has no record of ever having endorsed the wolf hunt but is probably the only thing you associate with or know about Idaho, O' great east coast pundit. This approach is ill-conceived and wildly over reactive, you give no thought to the human impact. Your boycott may get you the extremist headlines and photo ops you crave but to intentionally reduce or remove the minimal incomes of the farm, storage, transport, and processing workers and their families is truly activism gone feral (to revert from civilized to savage of wild), most of the farm owners are interstate and/or transnational conglomerates, you might give them a minor PR black-eye but they will just jack up the price of non-Idaho potatoes and still profit, but in this economy the poor will pay your price. The farms that are small family farms your ill-conceived power play could push from endangered to extinct, are the very type of farms most likely to embrace and adapt organic and sustainable farming methods. Wake up and grow up and in the future try to show at least a modicum of consideration and concern for the lives of people that you demand for animals before you throw another of your publicity tantrums that victimize innocent humans, who are after all animals too!

Monday, August 24, 2009


My letter to the editor of the Tacoma News Tribune 8/21/09.
President Obama is so fixated on compromise and bipartisanship that he is surrendering control of real health care reform for the average American to the greed of the health insurance industry and other health care corporations.
Obama's appeasement gets nothing from Republicans who never intend to vote for health care reform. It is time for the Democrats in Congress and the President to grow spines and stand up for the American citizens who worked, donated to them and voted them into office based in part on their publicly stated stands for a public option.
It is time for our elected public servants to stop enabling the euthanasia of 22,00 Americans every year based on their income.
It is time to recognize that Republicans lost the last two elections because they no longer represent a majority of American citizens and to break the death grip of the profiteering health care corporations sucking the life blood from American citizens, their families and small businesses with the aid of their paid Republican servants.
It is time to recognize and publicize that Freedom Works, Americans for Prosperity, Patients First and 60 Plus are not citizen grass-roots organizations but D.C. lobbyist and PR firms created, funded by the health care industry and Republican run for the express purpose of spreading out right lies and misinformation and busing in agitators to maintain the status quo of industry mega-profits at our expense.