Saturday, May 23, 2009


President Obama was upset by civil liberties groups accusing him of becoming another George W. Bush! Maybe he should stop acting like Bush; every time he says, 'looking forward not back, there will be no investigations/prosecutions of CIA operatives etc' he is being Bush and politicizing the DOJ. The Department of Justice was, pre-Bush and hopefully might be post-Obama, the independent apolitical administrator of the laws of the United States with no partiality and 'no one above the law. But on 5/21/09, Obama proved he is far worse! President Obama announced his intention to assume the totally unconstitutional power of 'Preventive/Extended Detention', to be implemented with a 'newly constructed legal regime' to indefinitely detain, you, me , anyone, for future uncommitted crimes without due process or trial for himself and all future Presidents. American gulags filled with Americans and others by future Bushs, McCarthys, Nixons, and Obamas for imaginary crimes. This is the end of the slippery slide into a stasi controlled police state, America becomes worse than the worst of those that we oppose, this is worse than anything that Bush tried. This is the pyre on which to burn the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States of America and the Bill of Rights in their entirety. This will be the Death of America as we know and love it!

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