Sunday, June 14, 2009


Pull Head from Ass Now America! America is faced with deciding, is Obama just plain gutless or just another 'say what it takes to get elected' lying politician. Personally having voted for him, I am leaning toward his needing to grow a pair and start keeping his campaign pledges; and I do not mean by him continuing to act like a lawyer explaining the fine print at the bottom of the screen during a commercial. ONE: Obama the candidate, occasionally as President, was pro-Gay rights and against 'Don't ask, Don't tell'. Yet aside from 'saying' he was going to end 'Don't ask, Don't tell' he has done absolutely nothing, he has not openly backed any of the legislation currently in Congress, nor has he used any of his 'Presidential Prerogatives' to slow, halt or end the discrimination, as Truman did for Afro-Americans. To the contrary the Obama administration has actively, before the U. S. Supreme Court argued to keep it from consideration which may considering the extreme right wing bent of the current court not be a bad idea. TWO: Now with the jihad arm of the Christian Taliban of America assassination of another doctor legally enabling women to exercise their Constitutionally guaranteed civil rights and the Christian Taliban's increased violation of federal law, FACE, the Obama administration continues NOT to label these people as the terrorists they are! If Roeder was Muslim, he would have been arrested and charged as a terrorist not only for the assassination but for the long list of FACE and other Federal laws, just as the man who assassinated the Military recruiter was immediately arrested and charged with 150 counts of terrorist crimes; they have said he acted alone and they know that Roeder did not. And then there was the Secretary of Homeland Security being forced to not only withdraw but apologize for a Bush Administration report on the known rise in right wing organization crimes, home grown terrorism, by the Republican servants of the Christian Taliban. We all know that Janet Napolitano, did not on withdraw or apologize for the report without the express order or consent of President Obama! THREE: Obama the candidate of 'America is a nation of the rule of law with no one above the law' has as President consistently protected the Bush Administrations from investigations and prosecutions for war crimes, criminal violations of U.S. laws often using the same exact word for word legal arguments of the Bush lawyers!

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