Sunday, July 5, 2009


Two related Letters; LGBT to Obama and President Obama to President Medvedev

An open letter to the President of the United States of America Barack Obama:
Mr. President, when if ever do you plan to act like the President and Commander in Chief of the United States of America? There is no reason what so ever for you to wait for Congressional action to end 'Don't ask, Don't tell'! You have the Constitutional authority, moral authority and the backing of a vast majority of the American people, who I obviously need to remind you elected you to the Office of the President of the United States of America based on your promises to not only end 'Don't ask, Don't tell' but to repeal DOMA. Quite literally with the stroke of a pen you can order the indefinite suspension of the Military investigations and persecutions under DADT. You are on the public record, multiple times, saying this is the right thing to do, as DADT is not only a violation of civil rights and equal protection under the law but also a detriment to the Security of America. Your determined stalling on DADT and DOMA more and more seems an endorsement of your 'friend' Rick Warren, the rest of the Christian Taliban of America, and Hypocrite Republican Adulterers than a genuine concern with keeping your word and doing the right thing. Mr. President, get a spine and then show at least some of the moral rectitude President Truman showed toward the Afro-American members of the Military. And on a more personal note for you, exhibit the same understanding of civil rights and equality the United States Supreme Court showed in the 1967 decision of Loving v. Virginia that made the marriage of your parents legal in all of the United States of America by no longer choosing to defend DOMA (which you have promised to repeal) before the Supreme Court, which you are not obligated to do, particularly with inflammatory DOJ briefs composed of Christian Taliban of America lies based on heterosexual perversions and heterosexual sex crimes. ACT LIKE YOUR WORD MEANS SOMETHING!!!

I was ask to sign a petition asking President Obama to talk to President Medvedev about Russian civil and human rights violations; the following was and is my response.

President Obama to President Medvedev:
Sir, please do as I say not as I do! Ignore my constant use of State Secrets" to cover the plethora of war crimes, crimes against humanity, gross criminal violations of the Constitution of the United States of America, the Laws of the United States, and the violations of the Civil Rights of Americas Citizens and others committed by both Administrations of Ex-President George W. Bush and Ex-Vice-President Dick Cheney (some of which I choose to continue). Please ignore my constant insistence that criminal act in the past are to be ignored as we loo forward, unless as one example they were committed against Afro-Americans more than 100 years ago. As I am sure you know it is far more important to apologize for a crime that no one living had anything to do with rather than crimes committed in the last 10 years, or to actually do anything about civil/human rights of those discriminated against now. Also ignore the fact that I have done nothing significant to re-establish 'writ of habeas corpus', the cornerstone of American Law and without which the American Bill of Rights is void. And most definitely ignore the fact that I am plan to continue to hold any person indefinitely without charges,evidence, or legal recourse. In closing, President Medvedev, it is my considered opinion that you should stop acting like an American President and clean up your civil/human rights act!
Sincerely, President Barack Obama, the duly elected Keeper of the George W. Bush Legacy

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