Sunday, August 16, 2009

Once again the Obama Administration is acting and still refusing to Pull Their Heads From their Ass! And once again I must say, 'NO ENFORCEMENT, NO LAW!' With no enforcement there is no law and no legal protection for any American anywhere in the world! At what point does the Obama Administration begin to protect the Constitution and Citizens of the US by appointing a Special Prosecutor who will actually be allowed the CIA and those in the Bush/Cheney Administration who made the political/policy decision to torture, those who fabricated the legalistic lies to justify torture and all those who participated in toture not the deaf mute quadriplegic proposed by Holder and Obama? The extreme limitations placed on the Special Prosecutor of the CIA Torture Progrom the Obama Administration is efftivley passing laws legalizing (retroactively any and all criminal violations of the Geneva Conventions, the Constitution and American law by the Bush/Cheney Administration and all Presidential Administrations that follow, They might as well purchase and plant Gravestones for the Idaho soldier captured in Afghanistan, the three hikers arrested in Iran and any and all American soldiers, tourists and journalists captured, kidnapped or arrested anywhere in the World by anyone! Makinig it legal by inaction or resrticted action for the US to torture, indefinately detain or arrest without charges or legal recourse ensures that America will have no standing under US law or International law to require fair, legal, or humane treatment for any American citizen, nor will the Geneva Conventions be able to be applied to or protect any member of the US military! They are in fact willing to endanger and/or have tortured other Americans for their own political ends! This can notbe allowed!

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