Monday, August 24, 2009


My letter to the editor of the Tacoma News Tribune 8/21/09.
President Obama is so fixated on compromise and bipartisanship that he is surrendering control of real health care reform for the average American to the greed of the health insurance industry and other health care corporations.
Obama's appeasement gets nothing from Republicans who never intend to vote for health care reform. It is time for the Democrats in Congress and the President to grow spines and stand up for the American citizens who worked, donated to them and voted them into office based in part on their publicly stated stands for a public option.
It is time for our elected public servants to stop enabling the euthanasia of 22,00 Americans every year based on their income.
It is time to recognize that Republicans lost the last two elections because they no longer represent a majority of American citizens and to break the death grip of the profiteering health care corporations sucking the life blood from American citizens, their families and small businesses with the aid of their paid Republican servants.
It is time to recognize and publicize that Freedom Works, Americans for Prosperity, Patients First and 60 Plus are not citizen grass-roots organizations but D.C. lobbyist and PR firms created, funded by the health care industry and Republican run for the express purpose of spreading out right lies and misinformation and busing in agitators to maintain the status quo of industry mega-profits at our expense.

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