Wednesday, September 2, 2009


A comment I made about the Idaho potato boycott proposed by Priscilla Feral.
There is no way, woman of the very appropriate last name, that I will endorse your savage nuclear bomb approach to objecting to the possible court ordered allowing of regulated wolf hunting by punishing a state wide industry, which has no record of ever having endorsed the wolf hunt but is probably the only thing you associate with or know about Idaho, O' great east coast pundit. This approach is ill-conceived and wildly over reactive, you give no thought to the human impact. Your boycott may get you the extremist headlines and photo ops you crave but to intentionally reduce or remove the minimal incomes of the farm, storage, transport, and processing workers and their families is truly activism gone feral (to revert from civilized to savage of wild), most of the farm owners are interstate and/or transnational conglomerates, you might give them a minor PR black-eye but they will just jack up the price of non-Idaho potatoes and still profit, but in this economy the poor will pay your price. The farms that are small family farms your ill-conceived power play could push from endangered to extinct, are the very type of farms most likely to embrace and adapt organic and sustainable farming methods. Wake up and grow up and in the future try to show at least a modicum of consideration and concern for the lives of people that you demand for animals before you throw another of your publicity tantrums that victimize innocent humans, who are after all animals too!

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