Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Joe Wilson Charade

I am no longer surprised by the mainstream media's support of the Corporate-Republican agenda. Joe Wilson (republican Rep. SC & National Guard Colonel) lied and continues to lie about health care reform legislation in his shouted calling of the President, his Commander in Chief as a military officer, a liar before a Joint Session of Congress. But the true outrage is the media's selective control of the message! Like a well trained and controlled 'dog and pony show' the media has made 'Wilson' the headline story not President Obama's speech on health care reform or its content. The same 'bread and circuses' message control was used all August to promote and legitimize the Corporate-PR firm paid for and orchestrated, intentionally rude lying town hall obstructionists from the right-wing fringe minority as legitimate grass roots ground swell by conveniently, consistently and consciously failing to report on their true origins and numbers or pointing out their misrepresentations and outright lies. Sadly it also shows that the economy and IT advances are not solely responsible for the endangered species status of news papers, but that true investigative journalism is no longer as profitable, entertaining, interesting or important to Americans as 30 second video clips and sound bite that are without reported factual context or any reported fact checks. And so so the true informed consent of the governed, the vital necessity for real democracy dies.

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