Saturday, September 26, 2009

Summer of our Artificial Discontnet

America is not a seething cauldron of anger, hatred and violence, the media has promoted for its own ratings and monetary profit, in the case of Lardo Limbaugh and Glenn 'guano crazy' Beck their own personal profit and agendas, and at Cluster Faux News and other News Corp sewer drains Murdoch's personal profit and political agenda. A very well written script of made for TV and YouTube of video clips and sound bites, and organized and paid for by PR-Lobbyist ad/smear campaign giving the illusion that there is a massive grass roots movement of angry, ignorant, hate filled racists who are so in love with the cost escalation and coverage denials of their Health Insurance that they will violently revolt if offered the chance to choose something better or keep what they supposedly love so much, which is as artificial as the groups promoting, busing and funding they like Patients First, Freedom Works, 60 Plus, and Americans for Prosperity are as grass roots organizations. All of them and others are created by PR and Lobbyist firms hired by Health Insurance and other Health Care related blood sucking corporate profiteers; created, funded and mostly by disgraced or convicted Republican operatives, like Dick Army, for the sole purpose of stopping Real Health Care Reform using the Republican campaign favorites lies and fear mongering (well what else do they have to work with when they have nothing credible or of substance to bring to the table only obstructionism). Supported by both Republican talking points parrots and elected Republicans, Palin and Senator Grassely promoting the death panel lie, Senator McCain, the 2008 recipient of the most health care industry campaign dollars, and Senator Hatch holding pre-screened invitation only 'town halls' for bussed in health care corporation employees passed off as proof that Americans are only angry with and opposed to Obama and the Democrats health care reform, Glenn Beck and Pat 'America was designed and built only by white men' Buchanan running the racist camp, and they all Love to quote the Lewin Group findings and statistics -the Lewin Group is a wholly owned subsidiary of United Health Group, that has the worst customer approval rating in America and the highest denial rate in California at 36.9% of all doctor ordered/prescribed procedures. Insurance company death panels can either kill, cripple or disfigure the patient by denial of a treatment/procedure or induce bankruptcy by denial of coverage/payment, huge out of pocket costs, dropping coverage when the policy holder becomes sick or they can find some unrelated pre-existing condition. United Health Care with its denial of one in EVERY 2.52 claims helps boost the denial rate in California to one in EVERY 5, and since they do not and are not required to track the effects/outcomes of their denials as to patient death, crippling, disfigurement, or bankruptcies those numbers will remain their dirty big secrets. We do know that health care costs are now responsible for more than 51% of all personal bankruptcies in America and has killed 45,000 Americans in the last year. Americans hate health insurance companies with good reason and 68% OF ALL AMERICANS ARE FOR THE NECESSARY PUBLIC OPTION CORNERSTONE OF REAL EFFECTIVE HEALTH CARE REFORM. And yet the Senate Finance Committee, of our so called representative democratically elected government, has written the 'Insurance Industry Profit Protection and Enhancement Act' that has no public option. Can you sat, 'Bought and paid for Senators'?
America needs to show real anger and outrage at the fact that our government is composed not of Democrats and Republicans but of elected paid corporate employees who work only to ensure corporate profits (Republicans and 'closet' Republicans! aka 'Blue Dogs') and elected public servants who work for the common good and betterment of the American people

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