Saturday, September 26, 2009

Fat, Lazy and Complacent

What has America become? We have become like unto the worst in those we oppose! Most of America no longer has the ethical testicles to stand up let alone fight for what we know to be right and true. Americans have become fat, lazy and complacent, allowing those with sociopath political, social, economic, and religious agendas, the Corporate-Republican-Christian Taliban Alliance, to lead them by the nose down the garden path into an indentured servitude that serves their purposes and vested interests no our own. We continue to allow ourselves to be ruled by the fabricated lies and fears of those who seek only their own personal/group accumulation of power, wealth and social control at the expense of our dignity, rights, liberties, and ethical and physical well being. We have become more and more complacent sheep willing to be herded by the imaginary howling of wolves rather than pull our heads from our asses and think for ourselves and do what we know to be best for ourselves and fellow man. We are allowing the wings of our better angels to be clipped! We continue to allow our government to be composed of paid corporate employees, who work for the betterment of and to ensure the increased profits of those corporations and special interests that pay the bills for their election campaigns, rather than true elected public servants, who work for the betterment, protection and common good of the people who actually vote them into office. We have become too lazy to put any of our own effort in to becoming the active, well informed voting citizens that are necessary for our democracy to work, thrive or even survive! Instead we wallow on our couches preferring to have a biased corporate owned, agenda oriented media spoon feed us the '30 second video clips', sound bites, misleading facts, or out right lies that best suit their profits and agendas without checking the facts or how valid the source of those 'facts', without checking the backgrounds; of the speakers,politician, 'news man', pundit, editor, or commentator, for politically expedient hypocrisy, their own ulterior motives or the motives of those who are paying them. And our elected officials never think in the long term, and try to not have us think in the long term or have long term memories, since for most if not all of them election to a higher office or re-election to the office they have is all that really matters, they want us to only think about what benefits them right before we vote and not to think about or remember for what they have voted for or against or the consequences their votes had on us. Allowing G W Bush to suspend the 'writ of habeus corpus' without meeting the Constitutional requirements simply to cover his and his administrations asses for crimes and future civil litigation, without ever considering that all of our civil rights and liberties are completely dependent on the 'writ of habeus corpus' to get the government and government officials into court before a judge and jury for redress of grievances; if you can not hold the government or anyone else accountable in a court of law the entire Bill of Rights and other Articles of the Constitution of the United States of America are null and void and you have no rights as a citizen. Consider this (I have changed the text but not the intent or historical context of the next to the last stanza to fit my personal agenda);

When they came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.

When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was no a social democrat.

When they came for the trade unionists
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.

When they came for the Gays,
I remained silent;
I was not Gay.

When they came for me,
There was no one left to speak out.

So far the Corporate-Republican-Christian Taliban alliance has called those who oppose them communists and criminals, ACORN with out proof or indictments or convictions, labeled Obama and Democrats as socialists to delegitimize and marginalize them, they are union busting with a vengeance to increase profits and remove mainly traditional Democratic supporters, and they positively salivate with glee while spreading lies,fear, and hate to deny or revoke Gay civil rights. If Americans do not grow spines demanding the same of those we elect and to stand up and say, "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!" to the Corporate-Republican-Christian Taliban alliance lie, fear and hate machine enabled by our own laziness as citizens, willful ignorance of the issues and facts and 'it is not my problem/does not concern me' attitude of complacency toward the needs and rights our fellow citizens, one day, not so far off, mainstream America will awake to an America that will make the writers and signers of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States of America and our overly taken for ganted Bill of Rights spin and puke in their graves!

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