Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Vegan herbivoures

Let us be honest,"only because our minds and bodies have been programmed for many generations to adapt to eating animal foods'" is fallacious BS; to be honest and truthful it should read,"all of our generations from the very beginning of man have eaten animal based foods because we are, were and will continue to be biologically, genetically omnivorous animals by nature.". The attempted programming over several generations to adapt to an unnatural diet comes from Vegan Herbivore proselytizing. The Vegan dietary choice is a calorie net negative diet, Calorie net negative in that a Herbivorous diet requires calories to be used for the human omnivore metabolism to convert what is being ingested into what it needs to survive so that the net calories provided by the diet are less than what is ingested, it is simple economics you must take in more calories than the debt plus interest in order to grow so a vegan diet requires a higher calorie intake just to break even, plus more for growth and development, and to be pointed must produce more waste for treatment, that produces more GHG in decomposition just as herbivores, cows, horses,produce waste than decomposes giving off more CO2 and methane than omnivores, bears and humans. For omnivorous humans to survive on a vegan/herbivore diet requires total dependence on an artificial support system; HVAC control of homes,workplaces, and transport, definitely not carbon neutral; production, transport and storage of the fruits and vegetables etc to places they are either out of season or out of climate, really not carbon neutral; the production shipping etc of dietary supplements, vitamins, minerals, amino acids etc, again not even close to carbon neutral. Bringing me to one of the big keystones of the human herbivore diet, Soy and soy products, unless highly processed soy is not only of absolutely no nutritional value it is nutritionally negative and potentially toxic. Even with intensive processing soy products are detrimental to human growth and health. 90% of all soy seeds in use are genetically modified and soy/soy products have one of the highest percentages of pesticide contamination of any food you can eat. Phyto-estrogens are directly linked to estrogen positive cancers in men and women along with early onset of puberty and menopause in women. Soy protein is only human digestible after long term fermentation for tempeh and miso. more GHG; or intensive processing with high heat or chemicals, not at all green. Even the phylic acid left in all soy products blocks mineral absorption, particularly calcium, iron, magnesium and zinc, not particularly healthy for infants and growing children especially when combined with the soy enzyme inhibitors that block trypsin etc necessary for protein digestion. There is also hemaggluinin that not only promotes abnormal blood clotting, but along with the trypsin inhibitors is a growth suppressants, only removed by prolonged fermentation and none of the other processes. SPI (soy protein isolate) processing leaves infant formula with 1000% more aluminum than animal milk based formulas. The high temperature spray process for protein powders produces carcinogenic Nitrates, and the aid/alkaline processes create lysinoslinin a toxin. In short tofu et al are not safe or healthy panacea replacement/substitutes for animal products or by products. The three big profiteers of soy/soy products are Monsanto, control of the genetically modified seed, and Cargill Foods and SoyLife that control a major portion of the production processing and sales of the genetically modified crop into food stuffs known to contain a variety of anti-nutritional, growth inhibiting, toxic or carcinogenic substances in various combinations depending on the production method or methods used, and the Phyto-estrogens directly linked to estrogen positive cancers and early onset of puberty and menopause. And when you add in the pesticides from farming, the processing, the packaging, shipping, or storage out of season or out of climate fruits, vegetables etc around the world, to those who can afford and/or access them, the vegan diet is no where near green or even carbon neutral. So I say that despite the high and lofty words, distorted historical and biological facts and green tinted picture picture of a healthier more eco-friendly lifestyle, in a roasted, apple in the mouth pigs eye, the Vegan/herbivore diet/lifestyle is not healthier, is no more natural or environmentally friendly in its dependence on technology for production, processing, distribution, refrigeration, or packaging than what it purports to be so superior to as to being more human natural or human healthy. Even Dr. Temple Grandin has herself said, "I think using animals for food is an ethical thing to do, but we've got to do it right. We've got to give those animals a decent life and we've got to give them a painless death."

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