Sunday, January 17, 2010

Hatian Illegals

GOD, WHAT STUPIDITY!The Foreign Criminals from Haiti should be loaded up with the supplies and sent straight back to Haiti where they can work to help their families and their country. The Haitians in detention were and are criminals illegally in the US long before the earthquake, well once again so much for the concepts of the rule of law with no one above the law and criminals supposedly not being allowed to profit from their crimes! And lets be perfectly clear about some of the facts; the Republic of Haiti was not destroyed the earthquake, the capital city of Port-Au-Prince was, and on par with New Orleans/Katrina, and getting a far better response from the US government! The Republic of Haiti has long been a man made disaster caused by Haitian politicians,US and European interference.
The completely ignorant granting of TLS to the criminals, allows them to work and send MONEY OUT OF THE US at a time when the US economy does not need to have a larger flow of money off shore and does not need to have what few jobs available taken by alien illegals. There is nothing that says or enforces that these criminal Haitians are going to pay taxes, send their wages back to Haiti or not commit further crimes that endanger American citizens and put a further burden on the US by being in the US criminal justice system with American tax dollars going to pay for their incarceration, health care while incarcerated, and their public defenders!
What pure unmitigated politically motivated bull shit! Yes I feel for the victims but I feel more for 45,000 Americans that are murdered each year by our disaster of a health care system,the American veterans that are left to live on the streets along with the growing numbers of working poor families, the American children that live with hunger and disease daily. America needs to spend the money we do not actually have, thanks to Bush and six years of a Repugnican controlled Congress, on Americans that live in the invisible American third world hell right here in the Shadows of the Golden Towers of Corporate America and Created by their greed. But that will, we all know not happen, because spending the money in America for Americans would be labeled as evil socialist Communism by the Repugnicans and the Blue Bitch Dems and not allowed.
Personally I consider this to be an insult to myself and my great grandparents on both sides of the family who jumped through all of the hoops to enter the US legally and become US citizens and all the Americans whose families came here legally. Pure unadulterated politically motivated bi-partisan Bull Shit!

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