Monday, March 23, 2009

Alternative energy!

Pull Head from Ass Now!; alternative energy will never become viable or readily available in the U.S. or the rest of the world until the current energy production and distribution cartels are in control of the production, distribution, and use of the technologies. And you can bet the price for alternative energy will be as high as necessary to maintain or increase the current profits enjoyed by the energy corporations. Why else do you think they have been so active in funding research and development partnership programs, well actually buying the programs as they have provisions that give them ownership of any patents and the research data that their monies help discover or refine at American Colleges and Universities? They have no intention of giving up the cash cow! I for one have no trouble believing that there will be no mainstream alternative energy sources until the manufacturing of alternative energy equipment, the power generation and distribution are all controlled by the current energy cartels. You can bet that with patent and manufacturing control in the hands of the energy corporations; alternative energy production equipment will be leased or rented, the customer paying for corporate installation, maintenance, and repair and the lease/rent to be priced on a time plus amount produced (amount produced will be justified on the basis of the more produced the more wear and greater the decrease in the resale value of the equipment) and of coarse the consumer will be charged for the installation, maintenance and repair of the connection to the grid as an out side energy production company. Even now in places, such as Montana I have been told, a local power company charges you to sell your excess energy from solar or wind to them at an economically disincentive rate; great for the power company several ways, they get a profit charging people to generate power that they have no investment in, they sell it for nearly pure profit, and the return on investment is so low and drawn out that people are unwilling or unable to make the investment. Slick, right, make alternative energy unappealing and punish those who do it anyway! We can all hope I am wrong, but you can expect your new alternative energy bill payments to go to the same corporation that your current power bill payments go to now! They may have new names but they will be wholly owned subsidiaries of the present energy cartels, with no loss of profit and the same tax breaks and subsidies from the government that Exxon and all the rest get now.

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