Thursday, March 12, 2009

Breeding without Brains

Nadya Suliman is the newest poster fertility freak for 'Breeder without Brains'; the not so new fad on the news, The Discovery Channel, Discovery Health, The Learning Channel, and the rest. What is the point to the glorification of having more children than you can have naturally or afford to raise, house, clothe, feed, or medically provide for, let alone educate through high school? Why the celebrity status for people who are either to stupid to figure out what causes pregnancy, in the rare where they are breeding like rats naturally, or are so intentionally ignorant, emotionally mentally dysfunctional, or addicted to the whole process of artificial fecundity that they just can not stop until they are overwhelmed, physically incapable of continuing, or dead? Then they put the cost of their fertility addiction off onto state and federal programs, us. At what point does the rest of society get to say, "Enough! We will not pay to support your inability or unwillingness to control yourselves in bed or the fertility lab!"? I believe in a woman's absolute right to control her own body and life, but society has no responsibility ( it is not like we have so few children right now that no child goes hungry, without a home, without proper medical treatment or education; Damn! we have and enforce laws that ensure animals get better treatment) nor do the over breeders have the right to expect society to pick up the bill for totally irresponsible reproduction either natural or artificial, when they do not stop at the limit of their personal ability to provide and care for their children. There are natural multiple births but to continue to have children, either naturally or artificially, because you want to have one or more of a different sex than you all ready have or because you just want to is acceptable only if you yourself have the means to raise all of them. 'Pull Head from Ass Now!' Just because you can do something does not mean you should! And just where is the much vaunted 'self-regulation' of the medical profession? This is just another example of a special interest group with money and political clout getting little or no enforced government regulation! Be honest the 'self-regulation' of the medical profession is now and always has been a dark deadly joke. Doctors of all kinds have a great record of closing ranks to protect their own, professional interest, privileges, and profits; but the self-policing always waits for the body count and/or public outrage to force it. In particular you may have noticed that the fertility doctor, who by means of experimental procedures got Nadya pregnant twice, was in violation of the 'self-regulatory' standards of that particular speciality, but there is no enforcement or consequence, at least that has made it out of the closed ranks of the medical profession. So why should the fertility demi-god curtail experimental potentially very profitable procedures? So you get a woman , that appears to me to be, of very questionable mental and emotional stability, who already had six( and just how many of those have disabilities) children she does not have the means to properly raise or care for from one experimental procedure, having a second experimental procedure with the goal of having eight more babies that she has absolutely no reasonable expectations of being able to raise or care for let alone have any hope of being able to cover the multi-million dollar price of the delivery or the neo-natal care for eight premature babies nor is there any indication of just how she managed to afford the procedures; is it possible the doctor have done it gratis to further his research or professional standing. Nadya has in part or whole reportedly bankrupt her parents, who realty deserve major credit for doing their best to deal with a situation that is the product of a 'self-regulating' profession, an unethical doctor and an unbalanced woman, and cost them their house, so now neither her parents, nor the liter of 14 children , nor Nadya have a place to live. How did she manage to finance the two procedures and convince anyone with the IQ of a newly salted slug to perform the second? Also there is no reason the state of federal governments or her parents should by any tortured stretch of the law be held accountable to pay for any of her medical bills. Why is the doctor, who quite literally the father of all 14 children, he is the one who got her pregnant both times, not being held accountable for the medical bills, care and raising of the children; the genetic male donor as far as I know is only guilty of making what is usually an anonymous deposit at a sperm bank or fertility clinic? Be honest, we all know the best way of regulating or stopping future unethical, unnecessary and just plain stupid acts like this is financial accountability of the doctor and patient only with no recourse to state of federal funding! And just where is the outrage of the Christian Taliban, who always think every fertility choice is theirs to make? Does the soul enter the egg/embryo with the needle, does it go to sleep with cryogenic storage, does it wither and die or just leave with improper or to long storage? I do know that neither the writers of the bible nor the editors, who choose at various times what stayed in the bible and what did not, could have had even the most remote concept of totally unnatural conception; well except for the fable of divine parthenogenesis. Just where in the many man made rules of their biblical fables does their god say that it is acceptable and holy 'for a woman to lay with a lab procedure as with a man'? Is the 'go forth be fruitful and multiply' myth more important than the brainless, unnatural, experimental, and completely synthetic fecundity; even in the bible the parents are responsible for the raising of their children, whether from wife 1 or 2 or 3 or concubine or servant; but then again in the Christian Taliban's must be taken literally myths you could sell or sacrifice your children. Oh! Sorry those are some of the Christian Taliban's pick and choose to suit their agenda at the time, that they have had to be given up along with women as property and slavery!

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