Friday, March 27, 2009

The New Leaded Gasoline?

Just what is 'Nitrogen enriched gasoline? Is it the 2009 leaded gasoline? Well, we all know how well that one worked out and how long it took to prove that it was bad for life as we know it on this planet. So how much better has the testing of the 'nitrogen enriched gasoline been? Several things concern me; the selling of the new wonder fuel does not mention any byproducts, just how much more N2O (at 300 times more dangerous as a greenhouse gas than CO2) will be pumped in to the air, will the N2O emissions lead to 'nitric acid rain' ( the sulfuric acid rains were such fun), will cyanide or cyanide compounds be produced directly or with environmental reactions. And then since it is a 'sludge and gunk cleaner/remover' where does the sludge/gunk or the compounds formed cleaning the sludge/gunk go? What are the gunk/sludge removal byproducts? Do these byproducts go directly into the air or do they drool out of the exhaust pipe? If they go directly into the air; what are the health risks of these compounds as released or what they turn into when combined in the atmosphere with water, sunlight, or other atmospheric components or conditions? If they just drool out of the tailpipe do they just evaporate into the air, if so at what risk in a now concentrated form? Do they drool out onto the pavement to sit and dry as a solid or do they react with the pavement? What are the results of pavement interaction, carcinogenic particulates, toxic particulates, cement or asphalt dust, accelerated road deterioration? If the drool just dries into particulates kicked up with traffic what are the health and environmental dangers of the particulates, or what they become with interaction with the environment? What effects on the water supply, us, life in the rivers, lakes, and oceans if the drool just washes off the road or the particulates are moved from the air to the ground or water by precipitation? Why all of this concerns me so much is that all of the research or lack thereof and all of the government regulation and oversight or lack thereof would have been done/not done during the two G. W. Bush regimes; And Bush has always been consistent in his eager willingness to kill the planet for corporate profits, particularly the oil and chemical industries. Just look to his record as the Governor of Texas and the yearly or nearly yearly increases in dioxin amount allowed to be released into the air and water by Dow Chemical et al. Not to mention blocking EPA studies and regulation of auto emissions and smog. Bush, Cheney and their corporate sychophant administrations were Class A Enviromental Terrorists.

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