Sunday, March 1, 2009

Now when it comes to Gay rights, why the hell do we pay taxes? We do not have equal protection under the law; not federal law not state laws, and you need to check which state you are in to have any idea just what you are protected from and what you can be arrested and prosecuted for. Now under a new Obama executive order gays can be openly gay cannon fodder; if you choose to put tour life on the line for a country that often treats you like a third class citizen, often without the same rights granted to illegal immigrants, although still better than some countries it is still just not acceptable! Gays are allowed to have some of the same rights as heterosexuals, depending on the state you are in and whether or not the Justice Department of the administration in power at the time feels like giving you protection under federal law. But even if you find a church that will marry you, it is only valid in that state and may be rescinded at the next state election. Sound a lot like, no exactly like the old 'Some of my best friends and family are but none of them people are going to marry any of my children' from the endomy laws, banning black/white marriage, that were not declared unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court until 1967. Now if that religious endorsed bigotry had survived President Obama would not be President; as his parents could only been legally married in a hand full of states and could have been arrested and convicted of a crime if they crossed the wrong state line and their marriage would have had no legal federal standing, President Obama seem to believe that gays should have equal rights but is unwilling to oppose his friend Rick Warren. As to the defence of marriage crap, marriage does need defending not from gays, but from itself. If marriage was a school kid it would have grown old and died still in the second grade! Anything that fails 49+% of the time is a complete failure, you have a better chance of winning multiple coin tosses than of having a successful marriage!
This brings me to the swirling contents of a flushed toilet known a California's Prop 8. Why have none of the churches, the Mormon Church and Rick Warrens Saddleback Church et al been stripped of their tax exempt status; to my knowledge they are not even under investigation for their flagrant criminal violation of federal laws explicitly prohibiting politicking from the pulpit and the use of church property, monies or resources for political purposes? We, American citizens, should be outraged by the ability and easy with which The Christian Taliban of America continually its Christian Sharia into federal, state, and local laws with no legal consequences! So far the Christian Taliban, who have froth at the mouth fits about Islamic Sharia being imposed anywhere in the world, but continually tries to impose their Christian Sharia on the United States of America, has failed to get Roe v. Wade over turned; but with the help of George W. Bush's 'Right of Conscience' rule they have managed to circumvent it. The rule is 144 pages of Christian Sharia enabling that gives any employee, be they janitor, cashier, pharmacist, doctor, parking attendant, or receptionist, on the sole grounds of their personal religious or moral beliefs, the right and legal ability to prevent/deny any patient/customer from receiving any product, service or procedure, without any prior notification of the employer or any attempt to accommodate the rights or medical needs of the patient/customer; to be applied to any business or facility where any monies of federal origin are involved, be it Medicare, Medicaid, VA or other military benefits, or research grants of any kind. It was intended to circumvent Roe v. Wade by making it impossible to exorcise rights to abortion and contraception, but is so broadly and poorly written as to also allow the denial of surgery, transfusions, antibiotics, inoculations or literally anything objectionable to any religious or personal moral code. Nice! Say hello to the newest form of death by religious intolerance, a Little less messy than a suicide bombing but the same thing in the end results. On an almost positive note as I work to finish editing this post, it was announced the Obama administration wants to nullify Bush's Christian Taliban 'Right of Conscience' rule; better if they just announced that they had nullified it! This must not ameliorate America's disgust and outrage at Bush's action or the criminality of the, one hopes, failed attempt. Unfortunately this is not new tactic for the Christian Taliban, for years now various cities and counties have been enacting web of codes, standards and regulations designed specifically to make it impossible to open new or run existing clinics or Planned Parenthood offices etc; they can not outright deny the rights inherent in the Roe v. Wade decision but they have found ways to make exercising those rights impossible.

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