Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Vegan herbivoures

Let us be honest,"only because our minds and bodies have been programmed for many generations to adapt to eating animal foods'" is fallacious BS; to be honest and truthful it should read,"all of our generations from the very beginning of man have eaten animal based foods because we are, were and will continue to be biologically, genetically omnivorous animals by nature.". The attempted programming over several generations to adapt to an unnatural diet comes from Vegan Herbivore proselytizing. The Vegan dietary choice is a calorie net negative diet, Calorie net negative in that a Herbivorous diet requires calories to be used for the human omnivore metabolism to convert what is being ingested into what it needs to survive so that the net calories provided by the diet are less than what is ingested, it is simple economics you must take in more calories than the debt plus interest in order to grow so a vegan diet requires a higher calorie intake just to break even, plus more for growth and development, and to be pointed must produce more waste for treatment, that produces more GHG in decomposition just as herbivores, cows, horses,produce waste than decomposes giving off more CO2 and methane than omnivores, bears and humans. For omnivorous humans to survive on a vegan/herbivore diet requires total dependence on an artificial support system; HVAC control of homes,workplaces, and transport, definitely not carbon neutral; production, transport and storage of the fruits and vegetables etc to places they are either out of season or out of climate, really not carbon neutral; the production shipping etc of dietary supplements, vitamins, minerals, amino acids etc, again not even close to carbon neutral. Bringing me to one of the big keystones of the human herbivore diet, Soy and soy products, unless highly processed soy is not only of absolutely no nutritional value it is nutritionally negative and potentially toxic. Even with intensive processing soy products are detrimental to human growth and health. 90% of all soy seeds in use are genetically modified and soy/soy products have one of the highest percentages of pesticide contamination of any food you can eat. Phyto-estrogens are directly linked to estrogen positive cancers in men and women along with early onset of puberty and menopause in women. Soy protein is only human digestible after long term fermentation for tempeh and miso. more GHG; or intensive processing with high heat or chemicals, not at all green. Even the phylic acid left in all soy products blocks mineral absorption, particularly calcium, iron, magnesium and zinc, not particularly healthy for infants and growing children especially when combined with the soy enzyme inhibitors that block trypsin etc necessary for protein digestion. There is also hemaggluinin that not only promotes abnormal blood clotting, but along with the trypsin inhibitors is a growth suppressants, only removed by prolonged fermentation and none of the other processes. SPI (soy protein isolate) processing leaves infant formula with 1000% more aluminum than animal milk based formulas. The high temperature spray process for protein powders produces carcinogenic Nitrates, and the aid/alkaline processes create lysinoslinin a toxin. In short tofu et al are not safe or healthy panacea replacement/substitutes for animal products or by products. The three big profiteers of soy/soy products are Monsanto, control of the genetically modified seed, and Cargill Foods and SoyLife that control a major portion of the production processing and sales of the genetically modified crop into food stuffs known to contain a variety of anti-nutritional, growth inhibiting, toxic or carcinogenic substances in various combinations depending on the production method or methods used, and the Phyto-estrogens directly linked to estrogen positive cancers and early onset of puberty and menopause. And when you add in the pesticides from farming, the processing, the packaging, shipping, or storage out of season or out of climate fruits, vegetables etc around the world, to those who can afford and/or access them, the vegan diet is no where near green or even carbon neutral. So I say that despite the high and lofty words, distorted historical and biological facts and green tinted picture picture of a healthier more eco-friendly lifestyle, in a roasted, apple in the mouth pigs eye, the Vegan/herbivore diet/lifestyle is not healthier, is no more natural or environmentally friendly in its dependence on technology for production, processing, distribution, refrigeration, or packaging than what it purports to be so superior to as to being more human natural or human healthy. Even Dr. Temple Grandin has herself said, "I think using animals for food is an ethical thing to do, but we've got to do it right. We've got to give those animals a decent life and we've got to give them a painless death."

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Fat, Lazy and Complacent

What has America become? We have become like unto the worst in those we oppose! Most of America no longer has the ethical testicles to stand up let alone fight for what we know to be right and true. Americans have become fat, lazy and complacent, allowing those with sociopath political, social, economic, and religious agendas, the Corporate-Republican-Christian Taliban Alliance, to lead them by the nose down the garden path into an indentured servitude that serves their purposes and vested interests no our own. We continue to allow ourselves to be ruled by the fabricated lies and fears of those who seek only their own personal/group accumulation of power, wealth and social control at the expense of our dignity, rights, liberties, and ethical and physical well being. We have become more and more complacent sheep willing to be herded by the imaginary howling of wolves rather than pull our heads from our asses and think for ourselves and do what we know to be best for ourselves and fellow man. We are allowing the wings of our better angels to be clipped! We continue to allow our government to be composed of paid corporate employees, who work for the betterment of and to ensure the increased profits of those corporations and special interests that pay the bills for their election campaigns, rather than true elected public servants, who work for the betterment, protection and common good of the people who actually vote them into office. We have become too lazy to put any of our own effort in to becoming the active, well informed voting citizens that are necessary for our democracy to work, thrive or even survive! Instead we wallow on our couches preferring to have a biased corporate owned, agenda oriented media spoon feed us the '30 second video clips', sound bites, misleading facts, or out right lies that best suit their profits and agendas without checking the facts or how valid the source of those 'facts', without checking the backgrounds; of the speakers,politician, 'news man', pundit, editor, or commentator, for politically expedient hypocrisy, their own ulterior motives or the motives of those who are paying them. And our elected officials never think in the long term, and try to not have us think in the long term or have long term memories, since for most if not all of them election to a higher office or re-election to the office they have is all that really matters, they want us to only think about what benefits them right before we vote and not to think about or remember for what they have voted for or against or the consequences their votes had on us. Allowing G W Bush to suspend the 'writ of habeus corpus' without meeting the Constitutional requirements simply to cover his and his administrations asses for crimes and future civil litigation, without ever considering that all of our civil rights and liberties are completely dependent on the 'writ of habeus corpus' to get the government and government officials into court before a judge and jury for redress of grievances; if you can not hold the government or anyone else accountable in a court of law the entire Bill of Rights and other Articles of the Constitution of the United States of America are null and void and you have no rights as a citizen. Consider this (I have changed the text but not the intent or historical context of the next to the last stanza to fit my personal agenda);

When they came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.

When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was no a social democrat.

When they came for the trade unionists
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.

When they came for the Gays,
I remained silent;
I was not Gay.

When they came for me,
There was no one left to speak out.

So far the Corporate-Republican-Christian Taliban alliance has called those who oppose them communists and criminals, ACORN with out proof or indictments or convictions, labeled Obama and Democrats as socialists to delegitimize and marginalize them, they are union busting with a vengeance to increase profits and remove mainly traditional Democratic supporters, and they positively salivate with glee while spreading lies,fear, and hate to deny or revoke Gay civil rights. If Americans do not grow spines demanding the same of those we elect and to stand up and say, "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!" to the Corporate-Republican-Christian Taliban alliance lie, fear and hate machine enabled by our own laziness as citizens, willful ignorance of the issues and facts and 'it is not my problem/does not concern me' attitude of complacency toward the needs and rights our fellow citizens, one day, not so far off, mainstream America will awake to an America that will make the writers and signers of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States of America and our overly taken for ganted Bill of Rights spin and puke in their graves!

Summer of our Artificial Discontnet

America is not a seething cauldron of anger, hatred and violence, the media has promoted for its own ratings and monetary profit, in the case of Lardo Limbaugh and Glenn 'guano crazy' Beck their own personal profit and agendas, and at Cluster Faux News and other News Corp sewer drains Murdoch's personal profit and political agenda. A very well written script of made for TV and YouTube of video clips and sound bites, and organized and paid for by PR-Lobbyist ad/smear campaign giving the illusion that there is a massive grass roots movement of angry, ignorant, hate filled racists who are so in love with the cost escalation and coverage denials of their Health Insurance that they will violently revolt if offered the chance to choose something better or keep what they supposedly love so much, which is as artificial as the groups promoting, busing and funding they like Patients First, Freedom Works, 60 Plus, and Americans for Prosperity are as grass roots organizations. All of them and others are created by PR and Lobbyist firms hired by Health Insurance and other Health Care related blood sucking corporate profiteers; created, funded and mostly by disgraced or convicted Republican operatives, like Dick Army, for the sole purpose of stopping Real Health Care Reform using the Republican campaign favorites lies and fear mongering (well what else do they have to work with when they have nothing credible or of substance to bring to the table only obstructionism). Supported by both Republican talking points parrots and elected Republicans, Palin and Senator Grassely promoting the death panel lie, Senator McCain, the 2008 recipient of the most health care industry campaign dollars, and Senator Hatch holding pre-screened invitation only 'town halls' for bussed in health care corporation employees passed off as proof that Americans are only angry with and opposed to Obama and the Democrats health care reform, Glenn Beck and Pat 'America was designed and built only by white men' Buchanan running the racist camp, and they all Love to quote the Lewin Group findings and statistics -the Lewin Group is a wholly owned subsidiary of United Health Group, that has the worst customer approval rating in America and the highest denial rate in California at 36.9% of all doctor ordered/prescribed procedures. Insurance company death panels can either kill, cripple or disfigure the patient by denial of a treatment/procedure or induce bankruptcy by denial of coverage/payment, huge out of pocket costs, dropping coverage when the policy holder becomes sick or they can find some unrelated pre-existing condition. United Health Care with its denial of one in EVERY 2.52 claims helps boost the denial rate in California to one in EVERY 5, and since they do not and are not required to track the effects/outcomes of their denials as to patient death, crippling, disfigurement, or bankruptcies those numbers will remain their dirty big secrets. We do know that health care costs are now responsible for more than 51% of all personal bankruptcies in America and has killed 45,000 Americans in the last year. Americans hate health insurance companies with good reason and 68% OF ALL AMERICANS ARE FOR THE NECESSARY PUBLIC OPTION CORNERSTONE OF REAL EFFECTIVE HEALTH CARE REFORM. And yet the Senate Finance Committee, of our so called representative democratically elected government, has written the 'Insurance Industry Profit Protection and Enhancement Act' that has no public option. Can you sat, 'Bought and paid for Senators'?
America needs to show real anger and outrage at the fact that our government is composed not of Democrats and Republicans but of elected paid corporate employees who work only to ensure corporate profits (Republicans and 'closet' Republicans! aka 'Blue Dogs') and elected public servants who work for the common good and betterment of the American people

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Joe Wilson Charade

I am no longer surprised by the mainstream media's support of the Corporate-Republican agenda. Joe Wilson (republican Rep. SC & National Guard Colonel) lied and continues to lie about health care reform legislation in his shouted calling of the President, his Commander in Chief as a military officer, a liar before a Joint Session of Congress. But the true outrage is the media's selective control of the message! Like a well trained and controlled 'dog and pony show' the media has made 'Wilson' the headline story not President Obama's speech on health care reform or its content. The same 'bread and circuses' message control was used all August to promote and legitimize the Corporate-PR firm paid for and orchestrated, intentionally rude lying town hall obstructionists from the right-wing fringe minority as legitimate grass roots ground swell by conveniently, consistently and consciously failing to report on their true origins and numbers or pointing out their misrepresentations and outright lies. Sadly it also shows that the economy and IT advances are not solely responsible for the endangered species status of news papers, but that true investigative journalism is no longer as profitable, entertaining, interesting or important to Americans as 30 second video clips and sound bite that are without reported factual context or any reported fact checks. And so so the true informed consent of the governed, the vital necessity for real democracy dies.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


A comment I made about the Idaho potato boycott proposed by Priscilla Feral.
There is no way, woman of the very appropriate last name, that I will endorse your savage nuclear bomb approach to objecting to the possible court ordered allowing of regulated wolf hunting by punishing a state wide industry, which has no record of ever having endorsed the wolf hunt but is probably the only thing you associate with or know about Idaho, O' great east coast pundit. This approach is ill-conceived and wildly over reactive, you give no thought to the human impact. Your boycott may get you the extremist headlines and photo ops you crave but to intentionally reduce or remove the minimal incomes of the farm, storage, transport, and processing workers and their families is truly activism gone feral (to revert from civilized to savage of wild), most of the farm owners are interstate and/or transnational conglomerates, you might give them a minor PR black-eye but they will just jack up the price of non-Idaho potatoes and still profit, but in this economy the poor will pay your price. The farms that are small family farms your ill-conceived power play could push from endangered to extinct, are the very type of farms most likely to embrace and adapt organic and sustainable farming methods. Wake up and grow up and in the future try to show at least a modicum of consideration and concern for the lives of people that you demand for animals before you throw another of your publicity tantrums that victimize innocent humans, who are after all animals too!

Monday, August 24, 2009


My letter to the editor of the Tacoma News Tribune 8/21/09.
President Obama is so fixated on compromise and bipartisanship that he is surrendering control of real health care reform for the average American to the greed of the health insurance industry and other health care corporations.
Obama's appeasement gets nothing from Republicans who never intend to vote for health care reform. It is time for the Democrats in Congress and the President to grow spines and stand up for the American citizens who worked, donated to them and voted them into office based in part on their publicly stated stands for a public option.
It is time for our elected public servants to stop enabling the euthanasia of 22,00 Americans every year based on their income.
It is time to recognize that Republicans lost the last two elections because they no longer represent a majority of American citizens and to break the death grip of the profiteering health care corporations sucking the life blood from American citizens, their families and small businesses with the aid of their paid Republican servants.
It is time to recognize and publicize that Freedom Works, Americans for Prosperity, Patients First and 60 Plus are not citizen grass-roots organizations but D.C. lobbyist and PR firms created, funded by the health care industry and Republican run for the express purpose of spreading out right lies and misinformation and busing in agitators to maintain the status quo of industry mega-profits at our expense.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Once again the Obama Administration is acting and still refusing to Pull Their Heads From their Ass! And once again I must say, 'NO ENFORCEMENT, NO LAW!' With no enforcement there is no law and no legal protection for any American anywhere in the world! At what point does the Obama Administration begin to protect the Constitution and Citizens of the US by appointing a Special Prosecutor who will actually be allowed the CIA and those in the Bush/Cheney Administration who made the political/policy decision to torture, those who fabricated the legalistic lies to justify torture and all those who participated in toture not the deaf mute quadriplegic proposed by Holder and Obama? The extreme limitations placed on the Special Prosecutor of the CIA Torture Progrom the Obama Administration is efftivley passing laws legalizing (retroactively any and all criminal violations of the Geneva Conventions, the Constitution and American law by the Bush/Cheney Administration and all Presidential Administrations that follow, They might as well purchase and plant Gravestones for the Idaho soldier captured in Afghanistan, the three hikers arrested in Iran and any and all American soldiers, tourists and journalists captured, kidnapped or arrested anywhere in the World by anyone! Makinig it legal by inaction or resrticted action for the US to torture, indefinately detain or arrest without charges or legal recourse ensures that America will have no standing under US law or International law to require fair, legal, or humane treatment for any American citizen, nor will the Geneva Conventions be able to be applied to or protect any member of the US military! They are in fact willing to endanger and/or have tortured other Americans for their own political ends! This can notbe allowed!

Sunday, July 5, 2009


Two related Letters; LGBT to Obama and President Obama to President Medvedev

An open letter to the President of the United States of America Barack Obama:
Mr. President, when if ever do you plan to act like the President and Commander in Chief of the United States of America? There is no reason what so ever for you to wait for Congressional action to end 'Don't ask, Don't tell'! You have the Constitutional authority, moral authority and the backing of a vast majority of the American people, who I obviously need to remind you elected you to the Office of the President of the United States of America based on your promises to not only end 'Don't ask, Don't tell' but to repeal DOMA. Quite literally with the stroke of a pen you can order the indefinite suspension of the Military investigations and persecutions under DADT. You are on the public record, multiple times, saying this is the right thing to do, as DADT is not only a violation of civil rights and equal protection under the law but also a detriment to the Security of America. Your determined stalling on DADT and DOMA more and more seems an endorsement of your 'friend' Rick Warren, the rest of the Christian Taliban of America, and Hypocrite Republican Adulterers than a genuine concern with keeping your word and doing the right thing. Mr. President, get a spine and then show at least some of the moral rectitude President Truman showed toward the Afro-American members of the Military. And on a more personal note for you, exhibit the same understanding of civil rights and equality the United States Supreme Court showed in the 1967 decision of Loving v. Virginia that made the marriage of your parents legal in all of the United States of America by no longer choosing to defend DOMA (which you have promised to repeal) before the Supreme Court, which you are not obligated to do, particularly with inflammatory DOJ briefs composed of Christian Taliban of America lies based on heterosexual perversions and heterosexual sex crimes. ACT LIKE YOUR WORD MEANS SOMETHING!!!

I was ask to sign a petition asking President Obama to talk to President Medvedev about Russian civil and human rights violations; the following was and is my response.

President Obama to President Medvedev:
Sir, please do as I say not as I do! Ignore my constant use of State Secrets" to cover the plethora of war crimes, crimes against humanity, gross criminal violations of the Constitution of the United States of America, the Laws of the United States, and the violations of the Civil Rights of Americas Citizens and others committed by both Administrations of Ex-President George W. Bush and Ex-Vice-President Dick Cheney (some of which I choose to continue). Please ignore my constant insistence that criminal act in the past are to be ignored as we loo forward, unless as one example they were committed against Afro-Americans more than 100 years ago. As I am sure you know it is far more important to apologize for a crime that no one living had anything to do with rather than crimes committed in the last 10 years, or to actually do anything about civil/human rights of those discriminated against now. Also ignore the fact that I have done nothing significant to re-establish 'writ of habeas corpus', the cornerstone of American Law and without which the American Bill of Rights is void. And most definitely ignore the fact that I am plan to continue to hold any person indefinitely without charges,evidence, or legal recourse. In closing, President Medvedev, it is my considered opinion that you should stop acting like an American President and clean up your civil/human rights act!
Sincerely, President Barack Obama, the duly elected Keeper of the George W. Bush Legacy

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Another dog in the Whitehouse?

The answer to my last question, evidently Obama is a lying politician and it appears that he is also a servant of the Christian Taliban of America. President Obama considers the LGBT community another dog in the Whitehouse to be satisfied with scraps from the table not equal protection under the law or equal rights! The DOJ brief before the U.S. Supreme Court to keep DOMA intact and in force, contained the same lies and slanders of breeder marriage aberrations and Christian Taliban of America religious arguments used by G. W. Bush and those who argued to keep the old endomy laws in force that would have made Obama's parents criminals subject to arrest and prosecution. And now with the announcement that in direct violation of DOMA, sometime today he plans announce that Federal employee domestic partners will get the same rights as married Federal employees. Nice trick, argue to keep DOMA a law and violate the same law along with imposing sperate but equal on the LGBT community, anathema to Afro-American civil rights activists and Un-Constitutional, all in one week. We can be sure that the main reason for this is that President Obama recognizes LGBT campaign contribution money and votes are equal in winning elections but the donor/voters are not equal citizens! Perhaps President Obama has failed to consider that the Christian Taliban of America is not known for donating to or voting for Democrats while the LGBT community 'was' and that this blatant slap in the face may come back to bit him in the political ass when it comes to support for his other goals and future elections for himself and those he endorses.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Pull Head from Ass Now America! America is faced with deciding, is Obama just plain gutless or just another 'say what it takes to get elected' lying politician. Personally having voted for him, I am leaning toward his needing to grow a pair and start keeping his campaign pledges; and I do not mean by him continuing to act like a lawyer explaining the fine print at the bottom of the screen during a commercial. ONE: Obama the candidate, occasionally as President, was pro-Gay rights and against 'Don't ask, Don't tell'. Yet aside from 'saying' he was going to end 'Don't ask, Don't tell' he has done absolutely nothing, he has not openly backed any of the legislation currently in Congress, nor has he used any of his 'Presidential Prerogatives' to slow, halt or end the discrimination, as Truman did for Afro-Americans. To the contrary the Obama administration has actively, before the U. S. Supreme Court argued to keep it from consideration which may considering the extreme right wing bent of the current court not be a bad idea. TWO: Now with the jihad arm of the Christian Taliban of America assassination of another doctor legally enabling women to exercise their Constitutionally guaranteed civil rights and the Christian Taliban's increased violation of federal law, FACE, the Obama administration continues NOT to label these people as the terrorists they are! If Roeder was Muslim, he would have been arrested and charged as a terrorist not only for the assassination but for the long list of FACE and other Federal laws, just as the man who assassinated the Military recruiter was immediately arrested and charged with 150 counts of terrorist crimes; they have said he acted alone and they know that Roeder did not. And then there was the Secretary of Homeland Security being forced to not only withdraw but apologize for a Bush Administration report on the known rise in right wing organization crimes, home grown terrorism, by the Republican servants of the Christian Taliban. We all know that Janet Napolitano, did not on withdraw or apologize for the report without the express order or consent of President Obama! THREE: Obama the candidate of 'America is a nation of the rule of law with no one above the law' has as President consistently protected the Bush Administrations from investigations and prosecutions for war crimes, criminal violations of U.S. laws often using the same exact word for word legal arguments of the Bush lawyers!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Not Freedom of Religion!

Anti-Liberty University, the spawn of Christian Taliban of America's hero, Jerry Falwell, has proven by banning the student Democratic organization saying, 'you can not be moral, christian and a Democrat.'! They are banned from meeting and advertising on campus and they can not in any way use or associate the schools name with their organization. Freedom of religion and speech to these 'Americans?' means the right to impose their religion and speech on others while denying the same rights to those who dare to differ or even question their pick and choose politically motivated selections from their book of fairy tales. Care to bet that the Federal tax monies these promoters of Christian Sharia in America get is not even threatened for their blatant violation of the Bill of Rights when it should be yanked from them with no discussion! I am betting that this will be another in the growing list of 'Obama is Bush' moments and religious freedom will be held to mean that the theocracy of Liberty U. have the freedom to receive an use Federal money to deny the religious, political, and civil rights of the students in violation of American law and Supreme Court Rulings. Another reason to oppose the Bush-Obama 'Faith based Initiatives' with federal monies going to religion based organizations and institutions to free up their funds to to illegally fund their political agendas such as Prop 8, anti-choice activities, and pay off sex abuse awards and settlements.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

I have an online petition demanding full independent criminal investigations and prosecutions of all members of both Bush administrations at http://www.thepetitionsite.com/18/investigate-prosecute please check it out and sign if you agree.


President Obama was upset by civil liberties groups accusing him of becoming another George W. Bush! Maybe he should stop acting like Bush; every time he says, 'looking forward not back, there will be no investigations/prosecutions of CIA operatives etc' he is being Bush and politicizing the DOJ. The Department of Justice was, pre-Bush and hopefully might be post-Obama, the independent apolitical administrator of the laws of the United States with no partiality and 'no one above the law. But on 5/21/09, Obama proved he is far worse! President Obama announced his intention to assume the totally unconstitutional power of 'Preventive/Extended Detention', to be implemented with a 'newly constructed legal regime' to indefinitely detain, you, me , anyone, for future uncommitted crimes without due process or trial for himself and all future Presidents. American gulags filled with Americans and others by future Bushs, McCarthys, Nixons, and Obamas for imaginary crimes. This is the end of the slippery slide into a stasi controlled police state, America becomes worse than the worst of those that we oppose, this is worse than anything that Bush tried. This is the pyre on which to burn the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States of America and the Bill of Rights in their entirety. This will be the Death of America as we know and love it!

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Old wisdom, or senile stupidity, has it, that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Now when it comes to absolute power corrupting, I agree if discussing the corruption level of religious leaders who always assume the power and absolute infallibility of the man-made god or prophet of their chosen human engineered religion. I find no ethically corrosive component to power, just the people who wield it. Having power, actually the use of power, and there is a vast difference between the two, act more as an ethical back lighting on a rheostat, the more power you use the more it lights up and stands out from the background. People, right or wrong, are always true to themselves, their core ethics and beliefs; and be sure that there is no direct correlation between the core values and the espoused values among politicians or religious leaders. people do not change, what changes is how much the real core beliefs in action are in plain view for all to see. Consider how often you hear the neighbors, friends, co-workers, and family say of serial killers/rapists or mass murderers , 'he/she was just an average church going family guy/gal I just can not imagine him/her doing anything like this'. The person has not changed, in the same way you can not be hypnotized into doing something you would other wise not do, the difference is a change in the threshold of inhibition and practicality. The same does not apply religious/cult brainwashing; remember the only difference between a cult and a religion is the amount of economic, political and social power they have, all the current major and minor religions in the world today began as anti-establishment cults persecuted until they had grown their economic,political and social power to the point that they could do the persecuting; where the ethical/moral definitions and required action/reaction to ethical/moral interpretation or disagreement are changed through indoctrination. An increase in power affords more opportunity to act on a 'to do list' that was previously impractical or unattainable not unthinkable or undesirable. All this bring me to what seem to be previously less active/acted upon aspects of the Obama agenda being moved in to brighter light of public/media scrutiny. Beginning on day one with the so called 'inclusive' act of having one of the most rabid homophobic attack dogs of the Christian Taliban, Rick Warren a potential criminal for violations of the laws prohibiting the use of church monies, property, or resources for political purposes and politicking from the pulpit for supporting California's Prop *; give an invocation during the Presidential Inauguration, the same kind of necessary desirable 'inclusiveness' as a KKK color guard at a White House Martin Luther King Memorial. This act of blatant homophobic endorsement gave Rick Warren enhanced status for his political agenda and no doubt enhanced his fund raising for future hate activities against Gays. There was the last minuet addition of the token Gay Anglican minister, obviously a back of the hand acknowledgement of the Gay money, work, and votes that helped Obama into the White House. It was also a perfectly predictable shame how the 'Gay' religious figure's invocation just happened to not be aired and was re-shown at the end of the Inauguration when with everyone leaving it would be unnoticed and unremarkable. And why does Obama insist on maintaining the Bush legalization of discrimination and proselytizing by Faith Based organizations receiving Federal tax dollars, none of which come from any religious organization, in clear violation of the legal restrictions incumbent upon any other recipient of Federal funding? For all the good Faith Based Organizations may do all that the Federal funds do is to free up these members of the Christian Taliban of America to use more of their monies for illegal political activities and promote discrimination and intolerance; which I am sure was Bush's reason, what is Obama's? Obama has said that he does not believe in 'Gay Marriage'. Wow! Until 1967 the United States Supreme Court and America did not believe in the marriage of Obama's parents, interracial was illegal in many states, could and did get people killed. Well I guess that nothing proves that your minority has achieved major civil rights quite like being able to step on the necks of another minority and prevent their realization of the same rights; just look at the percentage of African-American voters, 70% that voted to strip Gays of the right to marry that they already had in California! Obama campaigned on 'America as a nation of the rule of law with no one above the law', Ha! at present the Obama administration is not only protecting Bush and Cheney and their minions from investigation and criminal prosecution for war crimes, crimes against against humanity, abuse of power, criminal violations and assaults on the U.S. Constitution, criminal violations of U.S. laws, criminal violations of Treaties and Accords to which the Unite States of America is both author and signatory, but is also expanding legal protection for some. Obama campaigned against the illegal wiretaps of the Bush regime and now he and his 'Justice' department are not only defending their legality but expanding the scope of protection for what was done and those who did it. The Obama Justice Department, as in a departure from justice, is using the exact Bush bullshit 'national security' to protect those who tortured, those who ordered the torture and those who lied up fake legal get out of jail free opinions; this is particularly appalling given that 'just following orders', 'just giving the orders for but not actually doing', and 'creating spurious legal justifications for crimes' are all things for which the U.S.A. has already investigated, prosecuted, and convicted both American citizens and the citizens of other countries. The use of the legal arguments and tactics of the Bush injustice department yields two results, the criminals are protected and the Civil and Human rights of Americans and others are nullified, you do not actually have a right if the government can prevent you from exercising that right in a court of law, and that is just exactly what Obama and his injustice department are doing by by claiming ' national security' and their new broader immunity from law suits regarding torture, illegal surveillance, etc. Obama, the Constitutional Law Professor, surely knows he is legalizing, protecting, and expanding the power grabs and crimes of the Bush-Cheney regime; to what ends I shudder to think! Why did Obam lie about lobbyists in the White House? Why did Obama lie about funding the wars above board and then do a Bush special? All of the whys and wherefores I am sure will be figured out too late, and will in no way bode well for the civil rights and liberties of Americans. And it is a truly sad when the American people can not depend on the President of the United States of America to 'protect and defend' the Constitution of the United States of America, their laws, civil rights and intenational legal obligationd but must instead depend on a Spanish prosecutor to stand up fot them!

Monday, April 6, 2009


'Pull Hear from Ass Now!' it is easier and easier to tell that the Obama administration is tied to Wall Street not Main Street. And it seems that the Obama, 'Wall Street and Main Street are interconnected in the recovery' means that Wall Street gets a no conditions free ride on the back of Main Street. Wall Street (read banks, insurance companies, brokerage houses, and all the hybrids) with maybe a million plus Americans employed; Main Street (read the American Auto Industry) with a 3-5 million plus network (the UAW, suppliers, parts and steel manufacturers, and dealerships etc.) Americans employed. Wall Street with no one knows how many Billions of dollars in corporate assets hidden and untaxed offshore; Main Street with no assets that I have heard of hidden and untaxed offshore. Wall Street has a large number of employees in the $250,000 plus per year with health care, perks, and bonuses, regardless of what they call them now, up to and over $1 million, at present taxpayer dollars, just to show up and regardless of how disastrous and costly their performance in gambling with artificial commodities, none, nada, no contract renegotiation's of any kind to help with their problem; Main Street employees the vast majority below $200,000 per year, health care, few if any perks, few if any bonuses, and with the exception of CEO's and executives nothing near $1 million, and always based on real productivity of real products, multiple contract renegotiation's for lower wages and higher health care costs, etc. And I will bet the average tax per income rate paid by the Wall Street crew is more than just significantly lower than the average tax per income rate paid by Main Street. On Wall Street, at about 400 corporations (that are the cause of our economic sewer tour), I can not keep track with the mergers, buyouts and name changes, getting in excess of 2 Trillion dollars, so far, only 3 corporate heads roll (.75%, yes 3/4 of 1 %), 1 at AIG and one each at Fanny and Freddy ( both of which are government created and sponsored corporations) and none of them by Presidential fiat; Main Street with two corporations getting about 50 Billion taxpayer dollars (less than 2% of the Wall Street gangs haul so far) 50% of the corporate heads roll by Presidential fiat. Wall Street, where did the money go - they will not and do not have to say, foreign banks,bonuses, lavish retreats and parties; what good has the Trillions plus done - little or nothing so they get more, lots more; what kind of restructuring or corrections - none, absolutely none were ask for and none were made all their employee contracts are sacred! Main Street, where did the money go - to keep middle class American employed and paying taxes (to go to Wall Street), what good has the 50 Billion done - paying rent and mortgages, feeding families, educating children, paying power bills, etc, what restructuring and corrections - lots demanded and lots done, multiple contract renegotiation's with American workers getting less and less as their unemployment numbers rise because their contracts are not worth the paper that they are written on unlike Wall Street, and of coarse the taxpayer bailed out banks are neither renegotiating Main Street debt nor are they being ask/told to by the Obama administration. And just why is the Obama administration not pushing the big TARP recipient banks to the negotiating table with Main Street, personally I think it is because the Obama Treasury Department is all from Wall Street and is helping and protecting the asses of their Old Boy Network, at the expense of the American taxpayer and American industry. All auto sales are down, appliance sales are down, all major sales are down due to a complete lack of credit, and those with credit are being screwed by massive cuts to their credit amounts and massive rate increases by the companies they have just spent Trillions to bail out and are expected to continue to bail out, who are hoarding the capital and making profit. Wall Street gets more and more taxpayer money and the taxpayer assumes more and more debt and risk but again Wall Street is not being required to do anything to actually help the economy, unlike the 'shared sacrifices' that only seem to fall on Main Street; sure as hell is beginning to look more and more like the American taxpayer has become the indentured servant of Wall Street. Can you say, ' the rich get richer and Main Street gets screwed!' Obviously to Obama (and his Treasury gang from Wall Street) the green of Main Street grassroots is green enough to get elected with but not as green as Wall Street against that new whit background!

Yet given all of that the 'Obama Class War', is a pre-school hissy fit compared to the 'Republican all out union busting, screw the middle class, kill the planet to make the rich richer Class War'. Let us begin with the Recession Extender the Republican crack-heads of economics call their 'alternative budget'. Part one was, I do believe, the only budget since the invention of counting on your fingers to have no numbers! All it contained, a joke of 14 whole pages, was a litany of political slogans and talking points that would make Herbert Hoover of Hoover Ville, Ronald Regan of Senile Dementia, and George W. Bush of the Fucking Mess We Are In; proud, but still proven wrong by History. Part 2, better never than late, so very appropriately released on April 1st for the joke it is, actually had numbers, all be it that they were wrong, misleading, or just plain stupid. Such as Cap and Pay would cost the average American $3,100 more per year to maintain the current profit margins of polluting corporations instead of the actual $31, dropping the magnificent Bush failure tax cuts for the rich from 35%, of which they actually pay around 3% being able to afford the tax accountants and lawyers so as to fit through the loopholes they always manage to get into the tax laws, to 25% so they would pay about 2%. And these born again, why is it that when people are born again their brains are never included, must be born again as in the first six years of the septic tank overflow known as the Bush administrations they managed to spend the surplus Clinton left them and put the American middle class Trillions in debt even with their keeping the Afghanistan and Iraq wars of the books, want a 5 year spending freeze on every thing except the DOD(O) and veterans programs, most if not all of which in the last eight years Republicans, like John the Sword Rattling Veteran McCain, have voted against, that means all government programs that benefit anyone who is not rich! Something so numbingly stupid in a recession where the only source of spendable capital is the Federal Government; that quite frankly I was amazed that not only did they have enough living brain cells to stand upright and spew forth the evidence of their collective imbecility but to walk down stairs as a group and not tumble down the stairs into a writhing mass resembling a wad of worms but with far less intelligence. Also they want to cut Capital gains taxes and Corporate taxes in general; after all you would not want the only people with secure incomes, from laying off more and more middle class workers they are screwing and regardless of how responsible they are for the mess we are in, to actually pay taxes on their ill-gotten gains! And they want to 'Drill, Baby, Drill!' in spite of the facts that it will do nothing to reduce our dependency on foreign oil, or reduce the gross record profits of American oil cartels, will take 15-20 years to produce anything other than elevated risks of oil spills to endanger American coasts and the Ocean, and will lower the cost of petroleum products to the American consumer by pennies so long as you do not count the cost to taxpayers for the subsidies the American oil cartels get! So even after all the Republican posturing, sound bites, catch phrases, and electioneering slogans they still come up with a 1.7 Trillion dollar deficit that is larger than President Obama's and does nothing to improve the recession or the conditions that plague the Majority of Middle Class Americans. Why the hell do they think they keep loosing elections? Could it possibly be that the Republican Party is as much or more so out of tough with the realities of Main Street America as the Wall Street CEO's and Bank executives? I do understand in a perverse way the Republican efforts to punish Main Street and the poor, more and more of both live on the street, as these groups have the bad habit of voting for Democrats; and busting Unions to keep corporate profits up and the number of Pro-Democrat organizations, funding and voters down; stop or impede improvement to Health Care boosting insurance company, HMO, and pharmaceutical cartel profits and after all the rich have no problem getting the best health care; and keeping non-corporate controlled alternative energy on the fringe as another pesky corporate profit eater. The bottom line is that Republicans oppose anything that will endanger the rich or corporations from getting richer or be of benefit to a Majority of the American public or protect the planet or educate America's children, after all the better more people are the more inclusive, liberal, socialist, egalitarian, tax and spend, and Democrat they tend to be and vote and the less likely they are to accept without question the half-truths and out right lies of the Republicans and their talking point parrots or to let their power base/controllers of the Christian Taliban of America establish their Christian Sharia as the basis for the U.S. Constitution and American law, be it in regard to Gay rights, stem cell research, a woman's right to choose, contraception, or the teaching of real get back in the race science not the unintelligent 'Intelligent Design/Creationism' of go back to the Dark Ages and what was good enough for the editor/engineers of the pre-industrial era is good enough for me crap that includes slavery/indentured servitude, where working class America is headed in the Republican scheme of things, women as child bearing property, and so on, you know all the parts of the Christian Taliban's must be taken literally Bible that they choose to ignore on political feasibility grounds so that they can get what they want on the rest. I guess that when all is said and done I, to use their own term, consider the vast majority of the Republican Party and the Christian Taliban to be the Anti-Christ and his False Prophets leading maybe to the end of the World, although if you give them the kind of power they had during the first six years of G.W. Bush but with a paranoid, power crazed Neo-con like Dick Cheney as President a Nuclear end of the world would be very likely, but definitely working to end the America of the Founders and Developers of the last two centuries in an orgy of ignorance, greed, and political/religious intolerance.

Friday, March 27, 2009

The New Leaded Gasoline?

Just what is 'Nitrogen enriched gasoline? Is it the 2009 leaded gasoline? Well, we all know how well that one worked out and how long it took to prove that it was bad for life as we know it on this planet. So how much better has the testing of the 'nitrogen enriched gasoline been? Several things concern me; the selling of the new wonder fuel does not mention any byproducts, just how much more N2O (at 300 times more dangerous as a greenhouse gas than CO2) will be pumped in to the air, will the N2O emissions lead to 'nitric acid rain' ( the sulfuric acid rains were such fun), will cyanide or cyanide compounds be produced directly or with environmental reactions. And then since it is a 'sludge and gunk cleaner/remover' where does the sludge/gunk or the compounds formed cleaning the sludge/gunk go? What are the gunk/sludge removal byproducts? Do these byproducts go directly into the air or do they drool out of the exhaust pipe? If they go directly into the air; what are the health risks of these compounds as released or what they turn into when combined in the atmosphere with water, sunlight, or other atmospheric components or conditions? If they just drool out of the tailpipe do they just evaporate into the air, if so at what risk in a now concentrated form? Do they drool out onto the pavement to sit and dry as a solid or do they react with the pavement? What are the results of pavement interaction, carcinogenic particulates, toxic particulates, cement or asphalt dust, accelerated road deterioration? If the drool just dries into particulates kicked up with traffic what are the health and environmental dangers of the particulates, or what they become with interaction with the environment? What effects on the water supply, us, life in the rivers, lakes, and oceans if the drool just washes off the road or the particulates are moved from the air to the ground or water by precipitation? Why all of this concerns me so much is that all of the research or lack thereof and all of the government regulation and oversight or lack thereof would have been done/not done during the two G. W. Bush regimes; And Bush has always been consistent in his eager willingness to kill the planet for corporate profits, particularly the oil and chemical industries. Just look to his record as the Governor of Texas and the yearly or nearly yearly increases in dioxin amount allowed to be released into the air and water by Dow Chemical et al. Not to mention blocking EPA studies and regulation of auto emissions and smog. Bush, Cheney and their corporate sychophant administrations were Class A Enviromental Terrorists.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Alternative energy!

Pull Head from Ass Now!; alternative energy will never become viable or readily available in the U.S. or the rest of the world until the current energy production and distribution cartels are in control of the production, distribution, and use of the technologies. And you can bet the price for alternative energy will be as high as necessary to maintain or increase the current profits enjoyed by the energy corporations. Why else do you think they have been so active in funding research and development partnership programs, well actually buying the programs as they have provisions that give them ownership of any patents and the research data that their monies help discover or refine at American Colleges and Universities? They have no intention of giving up the cash cow! I for one have no trouble believing that there will be no mainstream alternative energy sources until the manufacturing of alternative energy equipment, the power generation and distribution are all controlled by the current energy cartels. You can bet that with patent and manufacturing control in the hands of the energy corporations; alternative energy production equipment will be leased or rented, the customer paying for corporate installation, maintenance, and repair and the lease/rent to be priced on a time plus amount produced (amount produced will be justified on the basis of the more produced the more wear and greater the decrease in the resale value of the equipment) and of coarse the consumer will be charged for the installation, maintenance and repair of the connection to the grid as an out side energy production company. Even now in places, such as Montana I have been told, a local power company charges you to sell your excess energy from solar or wind to them at an economically disincentive rate; great for the power company several ways, they get a profit charging people to generate power that they have no investment in, they sell it for nearly pure profit, and the return on investment is so low and drawn out that people are unwilling or unable to make the investment. Slick, right, make alternative energy unappealing and punish those who do it anyway! We can all hope I am wrong, but you can expect your new alternative energy bill payments to go to the same corporation that your current power bill payments go to now! They may have new names but they will be wholly owned subsidiaries of the present energy cartels, with no loss of profit and the same tax breaks and subsidies from the government that Exxon and all the rest get now.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Breeding without Brains

Nadya Suliman is the newest poster fertility freak for 'Breeder without Brains'; the not so new fad on the news, The Discovery Channel, Discovery Health, The Learning Channel, and the rest. What is the point to the glorification of having more children than you can have naturally or afford to raise, house, clothe, feed, or medically provide for, let alone educate through high school? Why the celebrity status for people who are either to stupid to figure out what causes pregnancy, in the rare where they are breeding like rats naturally, or are so intentionally ignorant, emotionally mentally dysfunctional, or addicted to the whole process of artificial fecundity that they just can not stop until they are overwhelmed, physically incapable of continuing, or dead? Then they put the cost of their fertility addiction off onto state and federal programs, us. At what point does the rest of society get to say, "Enough! We will not pay to support your inability or unwillingness to control yourselves in bed or the fertility lab!"? I believe in a woman's absolute right to control her own body and life, but society has no responsibility ( it is not like we have so few children right now that no child goes hungry, without a home, without proper medical treatment or education; Damn! we have and enforce laws that ensure animals get better treatment) nor do the over breeders have the right to expect society to pick up the bill for totally irresponsible reproduction either natural or artificial, when they do not stop at the limit of their personal ability to provide and care for their children. There are natural multiple births but to continue to have children, either naturally or artificially, because you want to have one or more of a different sex than you all ready have or because you just want to is acceptable only if you yourself have the means to raise all of them. 'Pull Head from Ass Now!' Just because you can do something does not mean you should! And just where is the much vaunted 'self-regulation' of the medical profession? This is just another example of a special interest group with money and political clout getting little or no enforced government regulation! Be honest the 'self-regulation' of the medical profession is now and always has been a dark deadly joke. Doctors of all kinds have a great record of closing ranks to protect their own, professional interest, privileges, and profits; but the self-policing always waits for the body count and/or public outrage to force it. In particular you may have noticed that the fertility doctor, who by means of experimental procedures got Nadya pregnant twice, was in violation of the 'self-regulatory' standards of that particular speciality, but there is no enforcement or consequence, at least that has made it out of the closed ranks of the medical profession. So why should the fertility demi-god curtail experimental potentially very profitable procedures? So you get a woman , that appears to me to be, of very questionable mental and emotional stability, who already had six( and just how many of those have disabilities) children she does not have the means to properly raise or care for from one experimental procedure, having a second experimental procedure with the goal of having eight more babies that she has absolutely no reasonable expectations of being able to raise or care for let alone have any hope of being able to cover the multi-million dollar price of the delivery or the neo-natal care for eight premature babies nor is there any indication of just how she managed to afford the procedures; is it possible the doctor have done it gratis to further his research or professional standing. Nadya has in part or whole reportedly bankrupt her parents, who realty deserve major credit for doing their best to deal with a situation that is the product of a 'self-regulating' profession, an unethical doctor and an unbalanced woman, and cost them their house, so now neither her parents, nor the liter of 14 children , nor Nadya have a place to live. How did she manage to finance the two procedures and convince anyone with the IQ of a newly salted slug to perform the second? Also there is no reason the state of federal governments or her parents should by any tortured stretch of the law be held accountable to pay for any of her medical bills. Why is the doctor, who quite literally the father of all 14 children, he is the one who got her pregnant both times, not being held accountable for the medical bills, care and raising of the children; the genetic male donor as far as I know is only guilty of making what is usually an anonymous deposit at a sperm bank or fertility clinic? Be honest, we all know the best way of regulating or stopping future unethical, unnecessary and just plain stupid acts like this is financial accountability of the doctor and patient only with no recourse to state of federal funding! And just where is the outrage of the Christian Taliban, who always think every fertility choice is theirs to make? Does the soul enter the egg/embryo with the needle, does it go to sleep with cryogenic storage, does it wither and die or just leave with improper or to long storage? I do know that neither the writers of the bible nor the editors, who choose at various times what stayed in the bible and what did not, could have had even the most remote concept of totally unnatural conception; well except for the fable of divine parthenogenesis. Just where in the many man made rules of their biblical fables does their god say that it is acceptable and holy 'for a woman to lay with a lab procedure as with a man'? Is the 'go forth be fruitful and multiply' myth more important than the brainless, unnatural, experimental, and completely synthetic fecundity; even in the bible the parents are responsible for the raising of their children, whether from wife 1 or 2 or 3 or concubine or servant; but then again in the Christian Taliban's must be taken literally myths you could sell or sacrifice your children. Oh! Sorry those are some of the Christian Taliban's pick and choose to suit their agenda at the time, that they have had to be given up along with women as property and slavery!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

War on Drugs vs Drug Ads on TV

When it comes to conventional drugs, most Americans make an unfounded, completely wrong distinction between drugs and alcohol, Alcohol is a drug! It enjoys more social acceptability and political correctness; much to the profit of the brewers, vintners, and distilleries, and is taxed far less than cigarettes; but it is just as physically and psychologically addictive if not more so than the pills you swallow, the stuff you smoke and the ones you inject. And is as physically dangerous in the 'second hand' form just more acceptable as drunk drivers, violent drunks, abusive partners, alcohol poisonings, suicides, and fetal alcohol syndrome; and is more fatal to withdraw from than any of the others including the opiates, as I was told 14 years ago while in detox and in the emergency of the local hospital, I have been dry for 14 years now.
Now there is this amazed "Oh! My god how?" reaction as to how and why prescription drugs have become the drugs of choice for America's young. One hook I heard recently for an investigative report was "the Internet is the 21st century drug pusher to America's children", what a steaming pile of corporate profiteering crap! Yes, yes there are drug ads and availability, with a credit card I might add, but the 21st century drug pushers to American children and Americans in general are the profit hungry pharmaceutical corporations, more like cartels, who, with their day in and day out drug ads, allowed for some stupid more likely monetary reason by the government, on television push their drugs, normalize and legitimize drug use. Everyday, the channels of broadcast, cable, satellite,etc run a steady stream of ads for drugs and their use, both over the counter (and just when and why did 'over the counter' originally meaning over the counter from a pharmacist you had given a prescription to, and off the shelf meant self-prescribed, self-medicating and self-served) and prescription drugs not to mention all the unregulated 'not-quite' drugs, that fit all the definitions except some hair splitting legal ones. These ads say and imply the same things: 'our drug will make your life better',"our drug will make you a better person', 'our drug will make you a better parent or spouse','our drug will cure or alleviate your ills', 'our drug will cure your problem','our drug has instant results or nearly instant results or gratification','our drug is proven/tested safe and effective','our drug has minimal or ignorable side effects and if they are major, you as an untrained medial non-professional will notice them and seek medical treatment in a timely manner' and there is my personal favorite for completely true and completely meaningless 'our drug has been granted a patent by the US Government as if a patent is some kind of statement of proven effectiveness and safety. A real Pull Head from Ass Now! All a patent means is that no one else currently has the exact same patented formula or process. And the patent holder has exclusive rights to make this exact product exactly this way and has legal protection from duplication by any and all not authorized by the patent holder; a patent has absolutely nothing to do with either safety or efficacy of the drug or anything else granted a patent! Now it is true that true narcotics etc prescription drugs are not advertised on television or magazines etc. I assume that ads aimed at getting people to push for specific brands of painkillers, opiates, behavior and mood modifying drugs, muscle relaxant drugs just proved to expensive even for the 'legal' drug cartels, conglomerates, or corporations (call them what you will) to get passed our mostly sleepy always hungry public watchdogs and onto television.But the ads do promote and condone drug use as a legitimate, socially acceptable method of dealing with life and personal problems. These ads are designed to encourage people to pressure their doctors for a specific brand name drug, never a far more affordable generic, that they may or may not have any real need for, that may or may not actually be safe for them and may or may not have sever long term consequences; I mean it is not like there is an ever growing list of 'FDA' approved as safe drugs that are not safe long term or short term either as to the amount of time it is safe to take the drug but also as to how long after you take the drug; days, months, years,when your baby is born the consequences show up. So if you want to know why the "War on Drugs" is such a miserable expensive failure or why America's young are turning to prescription drugs you need look no further than the nearest television. Where the 24/7 inundation of America with drug ads normalizing and encouraging the use of drugs, prescription, alcohol and OTC and by association the 'street drugs, to cure life's problems fast, fast, fast from feeling sad, fat, ugly, not being 'in', or not being sexy and on and on and on. Drugs are shown to be helpful, acceptable,safe, patented, doctor per scribed or pharmacist recommended, clinically proven( not like the drug companies have ever been caught burring negative clinical or medical research along with customers). Drug ads have, and are designed to, put equally hazardous and dangerous prescription and OTC drugs, found and easily accessible in family medicine cabinets, bedside tables, kitchen drawers, glove boxes, and purses on a pedestal made of safe to use, socially acceptable, politically correct, medically approved, and perhaps worst of all 'it's advertised on TV how dangerous cab it be?' above the common 'street' drugs. Do not consider just the very carefully legally crafted scripts of the ads (seen any ads back-peddling to meet the 'truth in advertising' laws, I know I have) but also consider the happy, normal, well adjusted family and individual lives shown as a result of using the drug, of the endorsing of drugs as acceptable to cure problems, make you feel better or younger,look better or younger, make you sexier or sex better or easier, by the situations and conversations used to promote the drug, not just the portrait of the problem and its cure but the portrait of the people who use the drugs, the drugs, and the effect drug use has overall; the problem is negative but everything else is positive, drugs can cure anything and whether or not the drug is actually prescribed for you is barely part of it. Just consider the growing number of medical problems/emergencies from minor to major to Death caused by responsible adults sharing their prescription drugs not just with each other but also giving them to their children or grandchildren or to those of friends or relatives, always with the best of intentions but seldom with the best results. Once again I say 'Pull Head from Ass Now!' America we (actually our "elected public servants') are allowing corporate greed to create a socially acceptable culture of drug use to abuse to addiction ( and do not forget that this most definitely includes alcohol) with the so legally pushed/advertised drugs that have all the exact same effects and consequences as the 'illegal street' drugs! And while your head is out take a look around and wake up to the fact that the state of America's economy is almost if not entirely the result of corporate and individual greed unfettered by the intentional lack of governmental responsibility to the American citizen and the health of the planet we live on!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Now when it comes to Gay rights, why the hell do we pay taxes? We do not have equal protection under the law; not federal law not state laws, and you need to check which state you are in to have any idea just what you are protected from and what you can be arrested and prosecuted for. Now under a new Obama executive order gays can be openly gay cannon fodder; if you choose to put tour life on the line for a country that often treats you like a third class citizen, often without the same rights granted to illegal immigrants, although still better than some countries it is still just not acceptable! Gays are allowed to have some of the same rights as heterosexuals, depending on the state you are in and whether or not the Justice Department of the administration in power at the time feels like giving you protection under federal law. But even if you find a church that will marry you, it is only valid in that state and may be rescinded at the next state election. Sound a lot like, no exactly like the old 'Some of my best friends and family are but none of them people are going to marry any of my children' from the endomy laws, banning black/white marriage, that were not declared unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court until 1967. Now if that religious endorsed bigotry had survived President Obama would not be President; as his parents could only been legally married in a hand full of states and could have been arrested and convicted of a crime if they crossed the wrong state line and their marriage would have had no legal federal standing, President Obama seem to believe that gays should have equal rights but is unwilling to oppose his friend Rick Warren. As to the defence of marriage crap, marriage does need defending not from gays, but from itself. If marriage was a school kid it would have grown old and died still in the second grade! Anything that fails 49+% of the time is a complete failure, you have a better chance of winning multiple coin tosses than of having a successful marriage!
This brings me to the swirling contents of a flushed toilet known a California's Prop 8. Why have none of the churches, the Mormon Church and Rick Warrens Saddleback Church et al been stripped of their tax exempt status; to my knowledge they are not even under investigation for their flagrant criminal violation of federal laws explicitly prohibiting politicking from the pulpit and the use of church property, monies or resources for political purposes? We, American citizens, should be outraged by the ability and easy with which The Christian Taliban of America continually its Christian Sharia into federal, state, and local laws with no legal consequences! So far the Christian Taliban, who have froth at the mouth fits about Islamic Sharia being imposed anywhere in the world, but continually tries to impose their Christian Sharia on the United States of America, has failed to get Roe v. Wade over turned; but with the help of George W. Bush's 'Right of Conscience' rule they have managed to circumvent it. The rule is 144 pages of Christian Sharia enabling that gives any employee, be they janitor, cashier, pharmacist, doctor, parking attendant, or receptionist, on the sole grounds of their personal religious or moral beliefs, the right and legal ability to prevent/deny any patient/customer from receiving any product, service or procedure, without any prior notification of the employer or any attempt to accommodate the rights or medical needs of the patient/customer; to be applied to any business or facility where any monies of federal origin are involved, be it Medicare, Medicaid, VA or other military benefits, or research grants of any kind. It was intended to circumvent Roe v. Wade by making it impossible to exorcise rights to abortion and contraception, but is so broadly and poorly written as to also allow the denial of surgery, transfusions, antibiotics, inoculations or literally anything objectionable to any religious or personal moral code. Nice! Say hello to the newest form of death by religious intolerance, a Little less messy than a suicide bombing but the same thing in the end results. On an almost positive note as I work to finish editing this post, it was announced the Obama administration wants to nullify Bush's Christian Taliban 'Right of Conscience' rule; better if they just announced that they had nullified it! This must not ameliorate America's disgust and outrage at Bush's action or the criminality of the, one hopes, failed attempt. Unfortunately this is not new tactic for the Christian Taliban, for years now various cities and counties have been enacting web of codes, standards and regulations designed specifically to make it impossible to open new or run existing clinics or Planned Parenthood offices etc; they can not outright deny the rights inherent in the Roe v. Wade decision but they have found ways to make exercising those rights impossible.

Monday, February 23, 2009

I do not know about anyone else, but I am sickened to the point of porcelain worship by the stock, commodities, and futures markets! What really get me is that all these exchanges are nothing more than glorified casinos. The brokers are gamblers betting on how close to their predictions of a companies profit, growth, etc the company actually gets. So one of if not the most controlling factors of our economy is high profit, high loss, high risk organized gambling plain and simple. And just like in Vegas only the house (in this case the brokers, brokerage houses, investment groups, and hedge funds) wins in the long run; like now with the economy tanking, unemployment growing by leaps and bounds, home loss through the roof, families and children without food, shelter, or health insurance, the brokers et al who have made the bad and/or criminal bets are getting millions running into billions in bonuses, some of the money is tax payer money, as reward for sending the economy down the toilet. These people do not in any sense make anything, other than profit for themselves; they artificially generate profit by buying and selling artificial products among themselves, like little bundles of toxic mortgage debt whose value they set by gambling. And thanks in large part to Republicans (although they are not quite alone in this, they are the major players) like Phil Graham and his wife Wendy Lee,(Wendy is a real piece of something: she headed Regan's Commodity Futures Trading Commission from 1988-93 and when Enron lobbying efforts got it exempt from CFTC regulation in the trading of energy derivatives (and we all know how well that turned out) she left the CFTC to take a seat on the Enron board of directors, as part of the Audit committee, all the while recieving 'donations' to the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, where at present she chairs the Regulatory Studies Program, based I am sure on her sterling performance with the other Enron directors in paying 168 million in a suit by the University of California, 13 million paid by her and the others for insider trading and the other 155 million paid by insurance, Wendy also sat on the boards of Iowa Beef Producers, INVESCO Funds, The Chicago Mercantile Exchange, but for me her greatest hit was in 2002 when her anti-regulatory zeal in her involvement in the Bush administration OMB hit list of federal environmental regulations targeted to be changed or rescinded to the benifit of polluting oil, coal and other energy corporation, like the EPA's 'new source reviews and the clean air roll back, 'nice lady'. Phil Graham wrote/sponsored laws and pushed hard to further the deregulation of the stocks, commodities, and banking industries (later becoming John McCain's chief economic advisor), letting them become less and less stable and more and more profitable to a very small minority (continually concentrating 95+% of Americas wealth into the coffers of less than 2% of the population.) Then you get a Republican mouthpiece like Rick Santelli, some sort of CNBC commentator/expert, who is something of a cross between a race handicapper/odd maker and a horse race announcer for the markets and a proud supporter of loser McCain and a 21st century preacher of the old original protestant work ethic (where how much money you have is a direct indicator of how good a christian you are and how much god loves/favors you, regardless of how you make the money such as the slave trade, slavery, indentured servitude, they have never been concerned with the ethics of how the money was made) playing at 'let's undermine the economic recovery and President Obama', because a chosen few are profiting and the people who are in trouble and need the recovery to work are losers and slackers ( and a very few maybe) deserving of this man made disaster because they are just bad people, that his god does not like, andthe rest of America is just acceptable collateral damage. He like many others particularly the 'Just say No' Republicans seem to like to ignore(Oh boy more intentional selsctive stupidity) the unregulated greed and potentially criminal practices of greedy, rich banks, bankers, brokers, brokerage houses, and hedge funds who were given 350 billion with no oversight, no restiction, and no accountability by a Republican President and his administration and that they seem to think is just fine.
And then there was the UBS, a Swiss bank, toadie wailing about unsubstantiated rumored plans to nationalize the banks. This is the same UBS when all of this started to break and the causes were coming to light, was telling its people Not to travel to the U.S. as there was a very good chance of them being arrested and charged with crimes related to the meltdown. Also the same UBS now making history for not only getting slapped wit ha huge fine for knowingly helping its American customers avoid paying U.S. taxes by illegally hiding their wealth in secret anonimous UBS accounts but UBS is being forced to break the Swiss banking code of secrecy and anonymity and release all the relevant documentation and information for those illegal accounts. I wonder, with anticipatory glee, if the other Swiss banks or the Swiss goverment will force UBS to close its Swiss operations and leave the country, because UBS has damaged the much valued and vaunted secret and anonymous banking system. One can only hope, but not for much considering the Swiss banking history with the Nazis and the lenghts to which they went and are still going to retain contol/owenership of the monies of those killed by thr Nazis.

Friday, February 20, 2009


Pull Head from Ass Now!
Warning! This is where I rant my personal opinions and outrage at things I see or hear that just plain piss me off.
Parents may find much or all of what I have to say contrary to their preferred religious or political indoctrination goals for their children. And I am very sure that Republicans, in general, and the members of The Christian Taliban of America, the only term I find fitting for the 'Christian Right', its leaders, their herds of lemmings, political operatives, and legal sycophants, will really not like anything I have to say.
As an obstreperous curmudgeonly gay cancer survivor, not the treatment that damage is permanent, I have zero tolerance for Stupid; particularly the intentional variety, such as ignoring or denying reality and scientific facts to bolster religious or political agendas. Or even worse to selectively pich and choose from their own religious tenets to further some social, political, or economic goal; to quote a recently posted photo of the sign on an English bus, "SCIENCE FLIES YOU TO THE MOON, RELIGION FLES YOU INTO BUILDINGS,". And please do not be so arrogant or intentionally stupid as to assume that this only applies to a single religion or fall for the selective stupidity of the GOP mouth piece for the Christian Taliban, Rick Santorum, who has just said basically that 'Islam is fundamentally incompatible with democracy because it takes its scripture literally'; which would, and does to me, mean that the Christian Taliban of America (the christian right) is also fundamentally incompatible with democracy because they take their scripture literally, at least the parts they find useful at the time, such as the biblical creation myth, a woman's right to choose, contrception, or gay rights. I do not advocate eliminating stupid just removing all warning labels and letting nature take its course.
I consider Political Correctness to be nothing more that the adaptation of religious sin (it is wrong because we say so) for non-religious use in social control, political manipulation, or economic gain.
If there is a divine; the one thing I am sure of it would have absolutely no need or use for religion! Religion is at its best a feeble attempt by people to control the divine. And at its worst is a human connivance for the social, political, andeconomic control of a society to benifit a particular group and/or that group's leaders for their own personal social, economic, and political power; almost always involving a 'god given' right or duty to control, convert or kill those who differ.
I hav and believe in ethics, doing what is right - trearing everyone as you expect and deserve to be treated, and opposing as best one can those who work to deny ethical treatment to any. I abhor moralsmorality for what they are ethics corrupted to further the agenda of a particular religios group always to the detriment and persicution of those who are or believe different.
Politically I am an extreme liberal with common sence. First, the United States of America is not now nor ever has been a democracy; on better days it is a generally benign aristocratic repulic, and on the worst a corporate controled fascit semi-republic (consider the two terms of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney who may soon have the distinction of being the first American President and Vice-president to be unable to leave the U.S. for fear of being arrested and tried for war crimes and crimes against humanity) a thought that warms the bottom of my heart. And you can kiss thelie about one citizen one vote good-by until the Electoral College is abolished and the shadowy select group of 538 cna no longer overrule a majority vote of the American people.
I hope for freedom of and from religion, you can not have freedom of religion so long as any religious group can influence/control the legislation of laws and the legal interpretation of those laws.
I am pro-choice; the only objections I am aware of are based only on religion and violate not only a woman's freedom of religion but her right to be a free human in control of her own body and destiny.
I am pro-military; they do a dangerous dirty underappreciated jod that insures us, seldom getting either the respect they deserve or the help and assistance they have earned. I am very oppsed to wars of aggression and pre-emptive wars of fear.
I am for legal immigration, all of my great grandparents were legal immegrant; but foreign criminals, illegal aliens what ever you choose to call them need to be sent back. Like most Americans, I believe no one should profit from the commission of a crime; children born to illegals should be illegal. And no person here illegally should benifit from free education, medical, or any other of our social safty net services.
I am for the rule of law, no one being above or beyond the law. Remember, now that all the media hype, the huckster's speil, the pomp and circuses are done; all the people from President Obama to the most junios Congressperson to the Mayor or Dog catcher ofthe smallest town, all of them are "Elected Public Servants", not the servant of corporate lobbies, special interests, political parties, or religious groups. Given their positions by our work, our monies, and our votes to serve our public good; we are due their full accountability and best service for our common-weal, not partisan peal, nor corporate greed, nor lobbyist's need, nor religions creed. Therefore: We the people of the United States of American in order to protedt and defend our Constitution, our rule of law, our civil rights snd liberties, our ethics, and our self-respect and dignity must demand of our "Elected Public Servant full criminal investigations and prosecutions of all members of both George W. Bush's administrations. including but not limited to President George W. Bush, Vice-president Dick Cheney, Cabinet members, staff and advisors for suboning their oaths of office and the Costitution of the United States of America, criminal violations of the laws of the United States of America, war crimes, crimes against humanity, gross criminal negligence, abuse of power, criminal violations of Treaties and Accords to which the United States was both author and signatory: particularly crimes for which the United States of America has already prosecuted it's own citizens and the citizens of other nations. For without this our Constitution means nothing, our laws mean nothing, our Treaties an Accords mean nothing and our 'Democracy', our self-respect and human dignity are LIES.
I realize this is a political swarm of angry killer bees. But either we are a nation with the rule of law, with no criminal left behind or we are a nation where those of political, social, or economic power are above and beyond the law. And not only was 'just following orders' not a 'get out of jail free card' the German lawers and judges who legitimized those crimes were tried and convicted. Beware of setting dangerous legal precedent preferring to look forwar not back, lest our future give rise to more of the same or worse. Although considering that the Obama Justice Department has already used the exact ame blanket of 'National Security' to cover the same criminal 'renditions' ( funny how the next word in my dictionary is 'renegade') to get ACLU lawsuits dissmissed; it may already be to late. Does a crime become a non-crime if you can never get it into court, and just what is the statute of limitations on kidnapping for the pourpose of torture?